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Adapt or die out Ecological environment: those factors which affect the population and the association at a specific location. The environmental factors are not constant, the permanent change is typical of them. They can change in time or in space. Each species has a set of environmental conditions within which it can best survive and reproduce. Not surprisingly, those conditions are the ones for which it is best adapted. Many different physical, abiotic (non- living) factors influence where species live, including temperature, humidity, soil chemistry, pH, salinity and oxygen levels. Each species depends on the other species ( living conditions) and there are interaction with them.
Biological interactions
Biological interactions are the effects that the organisms in a community have on one another. In the natural world no organism exists in absolute isolation, and every organism must interact with the environment and other organisms. An organism's interactions with its environment are fundamental to the survival of that organism and the functioning of the ecosystem as a whole Tolerance : It shows ,how a species can adapt the changing environment in a given population. The tolerance is between the minimum and the maximum . Living organisms can tolerate (or survive within) a certain range of a particular factor, but cannot survive if there is too much or too little of the factor.
environmental conditions
maximum: upper limit : The highest point that the species can tolerate minimum: lower limit : The lowest point the species can tolerate optimum: the best for the species In other words, they can tolerate (or survive within) a certain range of a particular factor, but cannot survive if there is too much or too little of the factor. productivity environmental conditions
The environment and the tolerance are inseparable, presuppose each other concepts.
The generalists are the most tolerant in many respects so they can be found in many life space (cosmopolitan). Generalist animals such as the cormorant, the gypsy moth, the generalist plants such as black locust and common dandelion. Some species, certain environmental factors have only a slight fluctuation. These are the tight-tolerance species. The tight-tolerance species indicate the value of the relevant environmental factors, so they are called indicator organisms eg. Lichen sulfur dioxide content of the air tight tolerances
Non-living environmental conditions
The non-living environment comprises the soil, water supply, climate and weather which may include humidity, sunlight, temperature and other weather influences. The survival of any organism will depend on how well it has adapted to these factors and how well it fits into a specific area. All organisms need to be in harmony with their environment in order to maintain stable conditions in their bodies. Soil Sunlight Water Temperature Air Humidity Weather chemicals
Living interactions Competition: interaction between individuals, populations or species for food, water , territory, mate, dominancy Amensalism: an interaction where an organism inflicts harm to another organism without any costs or benefits for examle: cattle, sheep trample the grass Antagonism: Predation, Parasitism, and mimicry Neutralism : relationship between two species that interact but do not affect each other. Commensalism: benefits one organism and the other organism is neither benefited nor harmed. For example: Rhyno and some birds Mutualism: interaction between two or more species, where species derive a mutual benefit for example : pollination Symbiosis: close relationship between organisms of different species, that is good for both of them.
Effect on X Effect on Y Type of interaction - Competition Amensalism + Antagonism Neutralism Commensalism Mutualism
Bergman-szabály: az egy rokonsági csoportba tartozó fajok testmérete a sarkok felé haladva egyre nagyobb. Allen-szabály: az emlősállatok egy rokonsági körbe tartozó egyedei esetében a sarkok felé csökken a kiálló testrészek mérete. Gloger-szabály: a hőmérséklet és az állatok színe közti összefüggés alapján a sarkok felé haladva az állatok színezete egyre világosabb.
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