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ABA Field Archery Instructor

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1 ABA Field Archery Instructor
Shooting Sequence Set and Forget: Feet to Follow Through

2 Set and Forget The human mind can only focus on one or two things at a time The shot sequence involves many steps Therefore in setting up the shot, set up each step and then forget it But don’t change it later in mid shot e.g. Set the feet and forget Set the body and forget Set the bow hand and forget … At the end, all that is left is aiming and release

3 Stance Feet shoulder width apart, natural stance
Toes level with a line drawn from the middle of the target to the archer, or slightly open Weight evenly distributed on both feet.

4 Stance Square Open

5 Body Upright and tall Shoulders at right angles to the target
Head turned to face the target Brim caps off or turned back

6 Set the Bow Hand Possibly the most important step
The bow hand must be in the same position every shot A sling should be used to avoid “grabbing” the bow when releasing

7 Set the Bow Hand Low wrist Knuckles at 35o to 45o to the riser
Handle on the thumb side of the “lifeline” Thumb straight along the top of the handle pointing towards the target Fingers curved loosely around the front of the handle without gripping it Touching is OK

8 Set the Bow Hand Lifeline Sling

9 Nocking the Arrow Arrow fully clicked onto the string
Index vane out (fingers) Index vane down or up depending on the rest configuration (release aids)

10 Hook Up Drawing Fingers (Finger shooting)
Three under, or one over, two under Thumb and little finger touching String along the crease of the first knuckles Drawing hand (Finger shooting) Flat back of the hand, knuckles not visible Bow Arm Relaxed “arm by the side” elbow position Not over extended

11 Hook Up Three fingers under One over two under

12 Hook Up Drawing fingers and hand (Release aid)
There are many ways of holding a release aid Trigger type Essentially a relaxed extended fist Caliper type Back of the hand fairly straight Index and possibly the second finger extended along the barrel

13 Predraw Raise the bow arm without raising the shoulder
Keep the drawing elbow high End with the bow arm horizontal Concentrate on the target

14 Draw Take a full breath in Horizontal pull straight across the chest
Slight elevation is OK The body should remain vertical (Don’t lean back) Slow and steady pull Make sure the bow shoulder stays low and back Do not allow it to roll forward Rear elbow ends up higher than the rear shoulder Rear elbow in line with the bow hand Maintain the tension between the shoulders

15 Draw Keep the bow shoulder low

16 Draw and Anchor

17 Anchor Jaw closed gently Finger shooters Release Aids
Finger in the corner of the closed mouth Thumb knuckle at the back of the jaw Release Aids 3 points to suit your release aid system e.g. Tip of nose, bottom of jaw bone, jaw bone near the ear, neck muscle

18 Anchor

19 Anchor

20 Anchor

21 Breathing There is no single method Some general principles apply
Breathe in during the draw Most archers have their lungs ¾ full to full during anchor and release Some breathe out a bit at full anchor Do not breathe out and breathe in again during drawing and anchoring Do the same thing each time!

22 Aiming Personal preference Both eyes open One eye open
Close the outside eye (bow hand eye)

23 Aiming Bare bow Aim the point of the arrow at a suitable spot Align a mark on the bow with part of the target Sights Move the sight down onto the centre of the target Draw directly on the target Focus on the target, be aware of the sight or the arrow tip Continual movement is OK Maintain back tension Keep the drawing elbow pulling/moving backwards

24 Sequence Check Mentally carry out a quick check that everything in the shot sequence is good If not, let down and start again BUT try not to let down very often. It becomes a habit and an excuse to not shoot

25 Release Concentrate only on the target
Don’t allow anything to enter your mind at this point Gentle release Fingers Gently relax the drawing hand fingers while maintaining active pull back Release Aids Gently squeeze the release aid while maintaining active pull back Do not tap or “trigger” the trigger

26 Follow Through Maintain the bow arm position
Don’t allow it to completely drop Just let the natural forces take it Usually forward, down and back a little Try to follow the arrow flight through the sight window of the bow

27 Follow Through Drawing arm Eyes remain on the target
Moves back beside the face a variable distance “Elbow” an imaginary person standing behind Must not move forward or out from the face Eyes remain on the target Body as it started, tall and straight Breathe out after the arrow hits

28 Relax Breathe deeply and relax before shooting another arrow
Don’t grab the next arrow straight after the release

29 Shot Analysis Did the shot feel good?
If not, try to work out why not and try to correct in the next shot.

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