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Jonathan edwards 1703 - 1758.

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1 Jonathan edwards

2 Overview 1715 entered Yale College just before his 13th birthday
1720 received bachelor’s degree 1726 accepted a call to the Congregational church at Northampton 1735 stirred revival fires in Northampton participated in the Great Awakenin 1740 wrote Personal Narrative 1741 published “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” 1746 published Religious Affections 1750 dismissed from the Northampton Church 1751 became pastor of a missionary church at Stockbridge 1757 elected president of the College of New Jersey (Princeton)

3 Preparation, evangelism, & exile
Graduated at age 17 from Yale with honors, masters degree 4 years later Committed to Christianity through a great conversion at age 18 Preached for 9 months Tutored back at Yale for 2 years

4 Preparation, evangelism, & exile cont’d
Ministry of nearly 24 years in Northampton Became assistant to his grandfather, Solomon Stoddard Married Sarah Pierrepont Became minister of the Congregational Church when his grandfather died in 1729 His fervent preaching brought “flocks” of people to Jesus Preached “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” at the height of the Great Awakening Tried to reinstate the Puritan practice of requiring a candidate for church membership to give public testimony. Resulted in discontent in his religious community Stoddard was the most respected minister west of Boston The public testimony practice had been required up until the instution of the Halfway Covenant: baptized, but not able to take Lord’s Supper Discontent became so great, that Edwards offered to resign, but the church refused his offer. However, in 1950 they voted to dismiss him.

5 Preparation, evangelism, & exile cont’d
Moved to Stockbridge, MA to direct missionary activity among the Indians Wrote two of his greatest works: Freedom of the Will and The Great Doctrine of Original Sin Defended Turning of a seeming failure in his ministry into his most productive period Accepted presidency of College of New Jersey. Contracted small pox. Arrived in Jan to assume new job and died in March

6 Biographical works Diary Personal Narrative
Record of mostly 1722 – 1724 Personal Narrative Autobiographic account of his spiritual life Shows the intense care with which he examined the heart and mind

7 Other works Sermons Personal writings
Images of nature and physical forces combined with the Puritan plain style Intensely persuasive Personal writings Reveal belief in unity of the natural and spiritual worlds Only religious vision gives meaning in mankind and the world

8 Main theme Religious knowledge must be in the heart, not just in the head.

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