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Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

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1 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

2 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page 183 Introduction Win 10 is good but you can make it better. Once you have it installed you need to do some things to make it better. Win10 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

3 Enable System Protection: Create a Restore Point
Page Enable System Protection: Create a Restore Point Setting a restore point: Go to system settings Search for “restore point” and click on it. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

4 Enable System Protection: Create a Restore Point
Page Enable System Protection: Create a Restore Point The following window will appear Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

5 Edit Windows Start Screen
Page 184 Edit Windows Start Screen One of the bad things about Win 10 is the engineers made many decisions about how the OS is organized and appears, go in and change the settings to what works for you. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

6 Edit Windows Start Screen
Page 184 Edit Windows Start Screen Without a doubt the advertising in Win 10 is annoying, turn the darn thing off: Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

7 Change the Default Browser
Page 185 Change the Default Browser Microsoft Edge, bad, too much “data gathering” by MS with no way to turn it off. Solution – Use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. During install you will be asked do you want “XXX” to be your default browser, say yes if you desire that browser and away you go. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

8 Change the Default Browser
Page 185 Change the Default Browser Go to your system settings Choose Default Apps Choose Choose which browser Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

9 Delete the Windows.old Folder
Page 185 Delete the Windows.old Folder Only applies if you migrated from Win 7/8 to Win 10 Frees up some major space Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

10 Simplifying the Graphical Interface
Page 186 Simplifying the Graphical Interface Back to the Settings again: Personalization Themes Theme Settings Choose your display “theme”. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

11 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Taskbar/Tool Bar Customizing what appears on the tool (task) bar Right click on tool bar to customize it’s appearance Drag and drop whatever application you want on the tool bar The “display background” color will indicate which application or file is open Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

12 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Task/Tool Bar My Task Bar My Desktop Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

13 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Task/Tool Bar My Start Menu Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

14 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Taskbar/Tool Bar You can also set up & customize the start menu Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

15 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page 188 Gadgets They are gone To the dismay of many But to the joy of others Caution they are a security risk but if you really would like them back Get your gadget on at Download and install the “Gadget Pack” Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

16 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Power Search Looking for, well whatever. The Search tools menu gives you many more options than the regular search tools, and easily accessible from a ribbon menu. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

17 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page 189 File Libraries My filing system is based on: Clients Year of Event Year return was filed All over the place Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

18 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page 189 File Libraries By default file libraries are not shown but to work on your libraries in Win 10: Open File Explorer Go to “This PC” Right Clk in Space to open window for library editing Create new library Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

19 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page 189 File Libraries Once you get the settings fixed you can set up the libraries by “managing” them. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

20 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page User Account Control We have come a long way baby UAC is now a civil child rather than a brat, mostly leave it alone and it will take care of you Recommended Please Do Not Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

21 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page User Account Control System Administrators can take it to the next level with “Family Safety” Can set up monitors and limit usage including obtaining reports of what, when, where, and how. However, it takes a Microsoft account at sign in, so that choice must be made. More info at us/help/10551/microsoft-account-set-up-family- after-upgrade Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

22 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Family Safety An interesting article regarding the pro and con side of this decision, not designed for our world.,2817, ,00.asp Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

23 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Family Safety How Family Safety works Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

24 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Family Safety Can drill down to very specific sites, limiting very specific information. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

25 Restricting Program Access
Page 192 Restricting Program Access Limit times that the account can be accessed and/or programs accessed Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

26 Restricting Program Access
Page 192 Restricting Program Access There are significant issues to consider: Controls are web based, so depending on the internet connection it will impact the computer’s performance. The privacy concerns are obvious, this site will monitor the computer’s activity keeping a log of such, your choice. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

27 Restricting Program Access
Page Restricting Program Access Since Win 10 enterprise is our likely our choice, you can use AppLocker. You can find additional information at us/itpro/windows/manage/lock-down-windows-10-to- specific-apps Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

28 Restricting Program Access
Since Win 10 enterprise is our likely our choice, you can use AppLocker. You can find additional information at us/itpro/windows/manage/lock-down-windows-10-to- specific-apps Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

29 Restricting Program Access
Page Restricting Program Access The steps are as follows: Run local security policy as an administrator. Go to security settings>application control policies>applocker and select configure rule enforcement Once there, the setup is reasonably self explaining if not use the web site Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

30 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Dynamic Lock Enables you to pair your personal device with your desktop to automatically “lock” the machine within 30 seconds when leaving the machine. Note that there was a reported problem with this tool but if all updates have been applied it should work okay. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

31 Page 193-Update Dynamic Lock Enable your Dynamic Lock by pairing your phone with your computer – pc-with-dynamiclock / Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

32 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Windows 10 Control Panel When it doubt look for the gear: Go to your start window. In your start window look for your settings link. Click on the link and the world is there Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

33 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Windows 10 Control Panel Some other choices: Search for it “Control Panel” Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

34 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Windows 10 Control Panel Want more detail, click of view by: Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

35 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page God Mode Like all software, MS Win 10 has a “god mode” which can be very helpful for troubleshooting issues. Right Click New Short Cut Exactly as in the text {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C E01C} Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

36 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page God Mode Like all software, MS Win 10 has a “god mode” which can be very helpful for troubleshooting issues. {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C E01C} Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

37 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page God Mode The results are what many find more logical Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

38 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page God Mode The results are what many find more logical Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

39 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page 195 Tweaking Windows 10 These utilities: Glary Utilities and CCleaner Should be part of regular maintenance on your machine which is discussed in the Chapter 12. Regular maintenance is the key to keeping the machine running like it is new. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

40 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page 195 Performance Index Windows Key + R = shell:games Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

41 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page 196 Performance Options There are lots of setting which can be made to your Win 10 machine. Caution, this is powerful stuff, set a restore point before trying these steps. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

42 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Tweaking Windows 10 There are lots of setting which can be made to your Win 10 machine. Caution, this is powerful stuff, set a restore point before trying these steps. Okay I reviewed the list on Page 204 and am ready to go, where is the stuff Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

43 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Power Tweaking The issue of power consumption. Desktop – Give me more power. Laptop – Darn battery is always tapped. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

44 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page Power Tweaking Disk Cache – Most OS will error on side of “protecting” the user. You can make your own decision Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

45 The $10 Solution – Ready Boost
Page 199 The $10 Solution – Ready Boost The accountant’s cost solution: Plug it in Browse to it Set it up Speed it up But Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

46 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page 200 Power Defrag Get your Geek on – Go to the CMD by Type Defrag Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

47 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page 200 Power Defrag Note the specifics in the screen shoot example of the syntax of the command: Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

48 The Ultimate Windows 10 Tweak - SSD
Page Bonus The Ultimate Windows 10 Tweak - SSD Do great things for that Win 10 machine, install a solid state drive: * Clone your current hard drive. Obtain a kit to hook up SSD as an external USB drive. Hook up the SSD as an external drive cloning the current drive. (Macrim Reflect) Turn off, unplug computer, and remove old hard drive replacing with the cloned SSD and boot the machine back up. You may be required to re-register your Win 10 OS. Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

49 Right Click to Find Hidden Options
Page 202 Right Click to Find Hidden Options The secret to Windows 10, when in doubt right click it out. A right click on the front desktop reveals Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

50 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page 202 Sticky Notes You like your sticky notes, it is in Windows Accessories A right click and pin it to the taskbar Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

51 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10
Page 202 Sticky Notes The only real issue is be careful or they get stuck together, 6 is underneath Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

52 Problem Steps Recorder
Page 203 Problem Steps Recorder The recorder is in Windows Accessories too. Click it and the control window appears You can customize it Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

53 Disable All of Window 10’s Built in Advertising
Page Disable All of Window 10’s Built in Advertising A necessary step to save your sanity Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

54 Some other helpful Information
Page Some other helpful Information When those annoying problems occur: Prevent Windows 10 from spying on you. Computers Crash and Freeze by Why You computer has Duplicate Files Would customizing your icons make the computer feel like yours Rename Multiple Files in Windows Windows Update gets Stuck How to Fix Hard Drive Problems in Windows 10 Chapter 9: Tweaking Windows 10

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