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CVM GUI Team #1 Final Presentation Barbara Espinoza Jorge Guerra

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Presentation on theme: "CVM GUI Team #1 Final Presentation Barbara Espinoza Jorge Guerra"— Presentation transcript:

1 CVM GUI Team #1 Final Presentation Barbara Espinoza Jorge Guerra
Eddie Incer David Martinez Ricardo Koller Hong Ming Soong Nathanael Van Vorst Final Presentation

2 Jorge, Ricardo, Hong, Nathanael
Project Roles Project Roles Phase I Phase II Phase III System Analyst All Members Document Editor Barbara David, Hong Barbara, Ricardo Minute Taker David Jorge Time Keeper Ricardo Eddie Designer Developer Jorge, Ricardo, Hong, Nathanael Architect Nathanael Test Analyst Team Lead Nate

3 Purpose of the System and Scope
Implement a GUI for the CVM. Allow end-users to execute communication services specified in X-CML. Load and store X-CML Communication Schemas in a Local Repository. Interface with the Synthesis Engine.

4 Use Case Diagrams

5 Use Case Diagrams

6 Use Case: Load Communication
Functional Requirement: The system shall allow users to load and execute X-CML communication schemas from the local repository. Constraints: A user without experience shall be able to load a communication in less than 2 minutes. The system shall gracefully recover 100% of the times a communication schema is invalid. The system shall finish loading a communication schema in less than 1 second.

7 Use Case: Load Communication
video conference A, B and C B schema.xcml B C A C

8 Use Case: Add Participant
Functional Requirement: The system shall allow users to add participants from their contact list to active connections in a communication. Constraints: A user without experience shall be able to add a participant within 30 seconds. The system shall finish adding the participant in less than 3 seconds.

9 Use Case: Add Participant
add B B C A

10 Software Architecture
Layers Pattern Repository Pattern

11 UCI Model Class Diagram

12 Sequence Diagram for Add Participant

13 GUI Controller State Machine

14 Add Participant Test Case
Test Case Id CVMGUI_COM_006_UCI_001 Purpose Verify that when a user adds a participant, it is reflected on the GUI and the communication schema is updated. Pre Condition Peter has an active communication with 1 connection. John is in the same connection. William has logged into the system. William is in Peter’s contact list. Input Peter drags William avatar from the contact list and drops it into the participant’s panel of the open connection. Expected Output William appears on the participant’s panel. The Synthesis Engine has received the updated communication schema (not shown)

15 Add Participant Test Case
Test Case Id CVMGUI_COM_006_UCI_001 Purpose Verify that when a user adds a participant, it is reflected on the GUI and the communication schema is updated. Pre Condition Peter has an active communication with 1 connection. John and William are in the same connection. Ana has logged into the system. Ana is in Peter’s contact list. Input Peter drags Ana’s avatar from the contact list and drops it into the participant’s panel of the open connection. Expected Output Anna appears on the participant’s panel. The Synthesis Engine has received the updated communication schema (not shown)

16 The end… Questions?

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