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Steps of Mentoring Sessions for Sustaining Church Multiplication Meet and pray, asking for divine wisdom. Listen to new leaders report on.

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7 Steps of Mentoring Sessions for Sustaining Church Multiplication
Meet and pray, asking for divine wisdom. Listen to new leaders report on their churches’ opportunities and needs. Plan together what the leaders’ new churches will do immediately, before your next session. (Write plans on paper.) Assign ‘studies’ from the Bible and from simple training materials.

8 Steps of Mentoring Sessions for Sustaining Church Multiplication (continued)
Have new leaders teach to you what they learned from their previously-assigned studies. Show new skills and practice together those new skills. Intercede together in behalf of everyone you talked about and for the Lord to raise up more new leaders.

9 How the Apostles Tracked Outcomes in the Book of Acts
2:41 Numbers of baptisms 2:47 Numbers saved, added to churches 5:14 (Numbers) of men and of women 11:24 Even big numbers from regions 6:1 Numbers of disciples (obedient believers) 6:7 Cases of multiplication 6:7 Caste penetration

10 How the Apostles Tracked Outcomes in the Book of Acts
9:31 Multiplication by geographical regions 12:24 Both addition growth and multiplication growth 13:48-49 Growth within ethnic communities within regions 16:15 Church participation tracked ‘daily’ 19:20 Noting exceptional increase Romans 15:18-21 Advance into needy regions 2 Cor. 10:12-18 Great increase beyond where there are many believers

11 The Present Situation in early 2011
We praise the God and Father of Messiah Jesus for the great advances of the gospel in India. However, 90% of Jesus’ followers in India still come from 10% of its ethnies. Thus, many Indians ethnies remain neglected. Let us do our research, report to the churches, and have beg God to penetrate more ethnies.

12 Make Use of Statistics to…
Elicit prayer in churches for neglected ethnies. Recruit volunteers for church planting. Discover ethnies that are becoming responsive. Send personnel to responsive regions. Ensure that all ethnies in a region receive the gospel and get churches. Coordinate efforts with many other ministries. Test methods, strategies and materials. Give an account to the Lord and to partners.

13 Recommendations Choose the growth and multiplication “indicators” that you deem important. Provide workers at every level with pre-made report forms that are easy to fill in. Make reporting a part of mentoring that seeks to make workers successful. Constantly cultivate relations of love and trust that encourage honest reporting. Compile results and keep all levels of workers informed on what God is doing. Share statistics with regional and national church multiplication mapping services.

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