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Presentation on theme: "TEACH LEAD INSPIRE SURVIVE!"— Presentation transcript:

Linda opens….whether you are a new teacher or seasoned, we can all agree that students and classroom requirements are changing, becoming more challenging, where survival skills and techniques are always welcome and needed to equip us with the ever changing student population.

2 Objectives 1. Identify Challenges 2. Discuss Techniques 3
Objectives 1. Identify Challenges Discuss Techniques 3. Utilize Tools for Survival 4. Feel refreshed, supported, equipped! Fran: Our mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help you identify the challenges in your classroom, discuss many tried and true tools, help you deploy these tools within your own classroom and have you leave feeling refreshed, supported and equipped with the many techniques we will offer during this presentation.

3 Who are we???? Group Introduction Activity 5 minutes. Use timer.

Group Introduction Activity 5 minutes. Use timer.

5 Who are you?? Activity Take 5 minutes: Group Introduction
Using Chart paper, write the following: Name of each person CTE area 3. Pick 1 challenge you are facing in the classroom 4. Select a spokesperson for group Group Introduction Activity 5 minutes. Use timer.

6 5 minutes Time up ….Share out session- 5 minutes

7 Challenges in the Classroom presented by…..Linda Romano
What are the struggles of a teacher? Linda Section- During this time frame Linda will define the challenges we face as teachers. Time allotted 5 minutes Slides 7-15

8 Success on Assessments Incomplete or late assignments
Student Engagement Success on Assessments Attendance And Tardy Incomplete or late assignments Cell phones Linda Practice Skills


10 Linda

11 Linda

12 Our competition NOW Linda

13 STUDENT ENGAGEMENT Engagement can be connected to other problems we face as teachers: Battle of cell phone Reaching every student’s individual needs Attendance Compliance with homework or assignments Staying on task with skill competency and other assessments Linda

14 1 minute to review challenges
Written by groups Linda will look at posters and see what the additional challenges we face


16 Using Teaching Tools to Address Challenges presented by…..Fran Horner
Fran Section- 5 minutes slides 16-21

17 TOOLS Full year syllabus Lesson plan outlines Cameras in the classroom
Google classroom and other technology Concurrent enrollment

18 Fran- Explain the full year syllabus and the power of a strong lesson plan in relationship to the challenges we face. Why the syllabus, what does it do for the students? How can the lesson plan keep everyone on task. The power of the plan

19 Lights, Action, Camera… .in our classroom?
Fran explain how the camera helps participation, engagement and benefits for teacher Fran- Explain the full year syllabus and the power of a strong lesson plan in relationship to the challenges we face. Why the syllabus, what does it do for the students? How can the lesson plan keep everyone on task.

20 Technology Fran explain how the google and technology

21 Concurrent Enrollment
Fran explain concurrent enrollment

22 Challenges Teaching Tools
Fran segway into Linda section Techniques Teaching Tools

23 Techniques to address classroom challenges presented by…..Linda Romano
Strategies and styles Linda Section- During this time frame Linda will define the challenges we face as teachers. Time allotted 5 minutes Slides 7-15

24 Linda Section- with the changing student, we must think out of the box

25 Teaching through Domains

26 Project based learning
Linda Section- with the changing student, we must think out of the box

27 Creating Accountability
Linda Section- with the changing student, we must think out of the box with project based learning

28 Try a Creative Approach
Linda Section- with the changing student, we must think out of the box with project based learning

29 Mindfulness Linda Section- with the changing student, we must think out of the box with project based learning

30 Last bit of information to send you off
Fran – Last bits of information

31 Professional organizations
Mentor programs Advisory boards Professional organizations Fran – Last bits of information

32 All information will be available As you exit the presentation
Thank you All information will be available As you exit the presentation Thank you and remind to get booklet Fran Horner Linda Romano


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