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Unit 2 Vocab.

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1 Unit 2 Vocab

2 Ana- Again, Back

3 Ana- Analyze: Go back and look at it again and again.
Anabiosis: Bringing back to life.

4 Aqua- Water

5 Aqua- Aquafarm: A special farm for growing plants in water (without soil). Aquanaut: An underwater explorer. Aquarium: A water-filled transparent container, in which fish and other aquatic animals and plants are kept.

6 Bel-, Bell- War

7 Bel-, Bell- Belligerent-Adjective used to describe a person, group, or nation provoking or engaging in war. Antebellum- The period before a war. Bellicose- Adjective used to describe someone being ready to engage in war.

8 Carni- Flesh

9 Carni- Carnivorous- An adjective used to describe various predatory, flesh-eating mammals. Carnation-A flower with a pink or reddish-pink color similar to the flesh color of some people.

10 Astro-, Astra- Star

11 Astro-, Astra- Astrologer-Someone who predicts the future by the positions of the stars, planets, sun and moon. Astrology-The study of the influences of the stars on human destinies

12 Biblio- Book

13 Biblio- Bibliophile-A person who loves books.
Bibliographer- One who writes about books.

14 Aud- Sound

15 Aud- Audible- A sound loud or clear enough to be heard.
Audience-A group of spectators at a public event listening to the sound from the producers

16 Bene- Good

17 Bene- Benefit- a good or helpful result or effect
Benevolent- An adjective used to describe someone who is kind and generous; does good things for others.

18 Centri- Center

19 Centri- Ethnocentric-The viewpoint that one’s own group is the center of everything. Egocentric-Caring only about oneself; self-centered.

20 Chrono- Time

21 Chrono- Chronological-Arranged in the order of time sequence or occurrence. Chronoscope-An instrument to measure time.

22 Anti- Against

23 Anti- Antidote: Works against poison.
Antipathy: You are against someone/something.

24 Bi-, Di-, Duo- Two

25 Bi-, Di-, Duo- Biannual: Happening twice each year.
Dilemma: A situation in which someone must choose one of two unsatisfactory alternatives. Duo: a pair normally thought of as being together.

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