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Vocab Lesson Two.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab Lesson Two."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab Lesson Two

2 1. Prose (n.)—ordinary writing or speech, other than poetry or music

3 2. Renaissance (n.)—a revival or rebirth, especially in thinking or activity

4 3. Surcharge (n.) —a charge added to the usual cost

5 4. Enshroud (v.)—to cover up; to conceal

6 5. broach (v.)—to bring up a subject for discussion

7 6. amalgamate (v.)—to combine

8 7. demented (adj.)—mentally ill, insane

9 8. hone (v.)—to sharpen

10 9. beleaguer (v.)—to besiege by encircling

11 10. gorge (v.)—to eat or swallow greedily

12 11. antiquated (adj.)—no longer useful; very old

13 12. opiate (n.)—a narcotic used to cause sleep or being relief from pain

14 13. caricature (n.)—an exaggerated portrayal of one’s features

15 14. dally (v.)—to waste time; to dawdle

16 15. felonious (adj.)—pertaining to or constituting a major crime

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