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Motion Extraction .

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Presentation on theme: "Motion Extraction ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motion Extraction

2 Motion is a basic cue Motion can be the only cue for segmentation
Biologically favoured because of camouflage

3 Motion is a basic cue … which set in motion a constant, evolutionary race, encouraging animals to sit still, only moving in bursts

4 Motion is a basic cue Motion can be the only cue for segmentation

5 Motion is a basic cue Even impoverished motion data can elicit a strong percept

6 Some applications of motion extraction
Change / shot cut detection Surveillance / traffic monitoring Autonomous driving Analyzing game dynamics in sports Motion capture / gesture analysis (HCI) Image stabilisation Motion compensation (e.g. medical robotics) Feature tracking for 3D reconstruction Etc. !

7 Shot cut detection & Keyframes

8 Human-Machine Interfacing

9 3D: Structure-from-Motion
Tracked Points gives correspondences

10 Temple of the Masks, Edzna, Mexico
3D: Structure-from-Motion Temple of the Masks, Edzna, Mexico

11 Asymmetric patterns like non-aligned tiles or mezzanines cannot be handled by facade structure detection Thick window frames will be wrongly interpreted as a split i.e. The user has to reverse the split manually Heavy image noise or small irregular elements on non-repetitive tiles causes incorrect splits

12 in this lecture... Several techniques, but…
this lecture is restricted to the 1. detection of the “optical flow” 2. tracking with the “Condensation filter”

13 optical flow

14 Definition of optical flow
Ideally, the optical flow is the projection of the 3D velocity vectors onto the image A motion vector is sought at every pixel of the image OF = apparent motion of brightness patterns In practice

15 OF may fail to capture the real motion !
Two examples : 1. Uniform, rotating sphere O.F. = 0 2. No motion, but changing lighting O.F. ≠ 0

16 Caution required !

17 Qualitative formulation
Suppose a point of the scene projects to a certain pixel of the current video frame. Our task is to figure out to which pixel in the next frame it moves… That question needs answering for all pixels of the current image. In order to find these corresponding pixels, we need to come up with a reasonable assumption on how we can detect them among the many. We assume these corresponding pixels have the same intensities as the pixels the scene points came from in the previous frame. That will only hold approximately…

18 Mathematical formulation
I (x,y,t) = brightness at (x,y) at time t Optical flow constraint equation : This equation states that if one were to track the image projections of a physical point through the video, it would not change its intensity… This tends to be true over short lapses of time. (Note the different types of time derivatives!)

19 Mathematical formulation
We will use as shorthand notation for

20 I, but that u and v are unknown
The aperture problem Note that we can measure the 3 derivatives of I, but that u and v are unknown 1 equation in 2 unknowns

21 The aperture problem Aperture problem : only the component along the
gradient can be retrieved

22 The aperture problem

23 Remarks

24 Remarks 1. The underdetermined nature could be
solved using higher derivatives of intensity 2. for some intensity patterns, e.g. patches with a planar intensity profile, the aperture problem cannot be resolved anyway. For many images, large parts have planar intensity profiles… higher-order derivatives than 1st order are typically not used (also because they are noisy)

25 Horn & Schunck algorithm
Breaking the spell via an … additional smoothness constraint : to be minimized, besides the OF constraint equation term minimize es+λec (also reduces influence of noise)

26 The calculus of variations
look for functions that extremize functionals (a functional is a function that takes a vector as its input argument, and returns a scalar) like for our functional: what are the optimal u(x,y) and v(x,y) ?

27 The calculus of variations
look for functions that extremize functionals with , and

28 Calculus of variations
Suppose 1. f(x) is a solution 2. η(x) is a test function with η(x1)= 0 and η(x2) = 0 We then consider Rationale: supposed f is the solution, then any deviation should result in a worse I; when applying classical optimization over the values of the scalar e the optimum should be e = 0

29 Calculus of variations
Suppose 1. f(x) is a solution 2. η(x) is a test function with η(x1)= 0 and η(x2) = 0 We then consider With this trick, we reformulate an optimization over a function into a classical optimization over a scalar… a problem we know how to solve

30 Calculus of variations
Suppose 1. f(x) is a solution 2. η(x) is a test function with η(x1)= 0 and η(x2) = 0 for the optimum : Around the optimum, the derivative should be zero

31 Calculus of variations
Suppose 1. f(x) is a solution 2. η(x) is a test function with η(x1)= 0 and η(x2) = 0 for the optimum : with with

32 Calculus of variations
Using integration by parts: Using integration by parts : where

33 Calculus of variations
Using integration by parts :

34 Calculus of variations
Using integration by parts : Therefore regardless of η(x), then Euler-Lagrange equation

35 Calculus of variations
Generalizations 1. Simultaneous Euler-Lagrange equations, i.c. one for u and one for v : independent variables x and y

36 Calculus of variations
Hence Now by Gauss’s integral theorem, such that = 0

37 Calculus of variations

38 Calculus of variations
Consequently, for all test functions η , thus is the Euler-Lagrange equation

39 Horn & Schunck The Euler-Lagrange equations : In our case ,
so the Euler-Lagrange equations are is the Laplacian operator

40 Horn & Schunck i i Remarks : 1. Coupled PDEs solved using iterative
methods and finite differences (iteration i) i i 2. More than two frames allow for a better estimation of It 3. Information spreads from edge- and corner-type patterns


42 1. Errors at object boundaries
Horn & Schunck, remarks 1. Errors at object boundaries 2. Example of regularisation (selection principle for the solution of ill-posed problems by imposing an extra generic constraint, like here smoothness)

43 condensation filter

44 condensation filter as an example of a `tracker’,
shifting the emphasis from pixels to objects…

45 Condensation tracker state vector noise in system model
observation vector noise in measurement model System. M. Measur. M.

46 Condensation tracker 1. Prediction , based on the system model
( f = system transition function) 2. Update , based on the measurement model ( h = measurement function) is the history of observations

47 Condensation tracker Example System model position velocity
Measurement model

48 Condensation tracker Recursive Bayesian filter
Object not as a single state but a prob. distribution

49 Condensation tracker Recursive Bayesian filter
Object not as a single state but a prob. Distribution (p here means probability…) 1. Prediction 2. Update

50 Condensation tracker Recursive Bayesian filter
Object not as a single state but a prob. distribution 1. Prediction 2. Update can be considered a normalization factor

51 Condensation tracker Recursive Bayesian filter
Object not as a single state but a prob. distribution Bayes´ rule 2. Update can be considered a normalization factor

52 Condensation tracker Recursive Bayesian filter
Object not as a single state but a prob. distribution Bayes´ rule 2. Update can be considered a normalization factor

53 Condensation tracker Recursive Bayesian filter
Object not as a single state but a prob. distribution 1. Prediction 2. Update

54 Condensation tracker Example cont’d a posteriori prob. distr. at t-1
prediction a priori prob. distr. at t update

55 Condensation tracker Recursive Bayesian filter Calculating
numerically is very time consuming, and the prob. distributions have to be known… Analytic solutions are only available for the simplest of cases, e.g. when distr. are Gaussian and the system and measurement models are linear… (Kalman filter, Kalman was prof. at ETH, D-ITET)

56 Condensation tracker Recursive Bayesian filter Calculating
numerically is very time consuming, and the prob. distributions have to be known… Analytic solutions are only available for the simplest of cases, e.g. when distr. are Gaussian and the system and measurement models are linear… That’s where CONDENSATION comes in, acronym for CONditional DENSity propagATION

57 distributions Gaussian
K A L M N F I LT E R In our example model is linear, distributions Gaussian System model Measurement model

58 K A L M N F I LT E R

59 Condensation tracker The probability distribution is represented by a
sample set S (set of selected states s) With a weight determining the sampling probability

60 Condensation tracker 1. prediction
Start with , the sample set of the previous step, and apply the system model to each sample, yielding predicted samples 2. update Sample from the predicted set, where samples are drawn with replacement and with probability (i.e. using meas. model) In the limit (large N) equivalent to Bayesian tracker

61 Condensation tracker prediction weighing update

62 Condensation tracker NOTE Sample may be drawn multiple times, but
different noise will yield different predictions under the system model, for samples corresponding to the same state after drawing. This diversification through noise is important, as otherwise fewer and fewer different samples would survive

63 C O N D E S A T I Example cont’d prediction weighing with update

64 Condensation tracker Comparison with Kalman filter
Condensation Kalman-Bucy Unrestricted system models Unrestricted noise models Multiple hypotheses Discretisation error Postprocessing for interpret. Linear system models Gaussian noise Unimodal Exact solution Direct interpretation

65 Condensation tracker

66 Condensation tracker

67 Condensation tracker

68 Condensation tracker

69 Condensation tracker

70 Condensation tracker

71 Condensation tracker

72 Condensation tracker

73 Condensation tracker

74 Condensation tracker

75 Condensation tracker Elliptical region with prescribed color histogram
System model position velocity size size chance

76 where p and q are the color histograms
Condensation tracker Measurement model with where p and q are the color histograms of a sample and the target, resp.

77 Condensation tracker

78 Mean shift tracker

79 Mean shift tracker

80 Condensation tracker

81 Other approaches 1. Model-based tracking (application-specific)
- active contours (discussed with segmentation) - analysis/synthesis schemes 2. Feature tracking (more generic) - corner tracking (shown when we discuss 3D) - blob/contour tracking - intensity profile tracking - region tracking

82 Model-based tracker (EPFL)

83 Model-based tracker (EPFL)

84 Motion capture for special effects

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