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Basic hands-on Zoltán Farkas, MTA SZTAKI

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1 Basic hands-on Zoltán Farkas, MTA SZTAKI
WS-PGRADE + ASM Basic hands-on Zoltán Farkas, MTA SZTAKI

2 Outline What we will do Development environment Modification steps
Deployment of the new ASM portlet Try it out!

3 Topic of the hands-on I. Modify an existing, simple ASM portlet:
Remove some features, Present some features in a different way Add some error handling Necessary modifications in: Java, JSP and XML files Application of the ASM portlet: Add two integers One coming through a file One coming through command line

4 Topic of the hands-on II.

5 Development Environment
Ubuntu VM in VirtualBox: 2G RAM NAT network gUSE automatically started NetBeans contains the starting project: ASM_Sample

6 Modification Step 1 – Copy the application
Really simple! In NetBeans: Right-click on the ASM_Sample project Select “Copy” Enter a new project name, e.g. MyASM_Sample Click “Copy”

7 Modification Step 1 – Copy the application
Really simple! In NetBeans: Right-click on the ASM_Sample project Select “Copy” Enter a new project name, e.g. MyASM_Sample Click “Copy”

8 Modification Step 2 – Rename files and classes
Expand “Source packages” Expand “hu.sztaki.lpds...” Right-click on “” Select “Refactor”/“Rename” Enter a new class name, e.g. “MyASM_SamplePortlet” (You can apply rename of comments, if you like) Click “Refactor”

9 Modification Step 2 – Rename files and classes
Expand “Source packages” Expand “hu.sztaki.lpds...” Right-click on “” Select “Refactor”/“Rename” Enter a new class name, e.g. “MyASM_SamplePortlet” (You can apply rename of comments, if you like) Click “Refactor”

10 Modification Step 3 – Modify portlet layout I.
Expand “Web Pages” Expand “jsp” Expand “asm_sample” Open “asm_sample.jsp”

11 Modification Step 3 – Modify portlet layout I.
Expand “Web Pages” Expand “jsp” Expand “asm_sample” Open “asm_sample.jsp”

12 Modification Step 3 – Modify portlet layout II.
Remove “Get Input”: Search for the “div_getinput” div Remove it (along with its parent <td>)!

13 Modification Step 3 – Modify portlet layout II.
Remove “Get Inputs” Search for the “div_getinputs” div Remove it (along with its parent <td>)!

14 Modification Step 3 – Modify portlet layout III.
Modify “Set Input” to “Set Inputs”: Search for the “doSetInput” hidden input action

15 Modification Step 3 – Modify portlet layout III.
Modify “Set Input” to “Set Inputs”: Update as follows:

16 Modification Step 3 – Modify portlet layout IV.
Remove “Upload”: Search for the “Upload” button Remove it (along with its parent <td>)!

17 Modification Step 3 – Modify portlet layout V.
Add an error message: Append the following to the end of the JSP file:

18 Modification Step 4 – Modify portlet class I.
Necessary modifications: Read additional input and update workflow's input file with it Report error message if inputs are not integers Open “” Check out the “doSetInput” method

19 Modification Step 4 – Modify portlet class II.
Original version

20 Modification Step 4 – Modify portlet class III.
Updated version Define input file's port number Get input file's content Input validation Update Input Port

21 Modification Step 5 – Modify XML files
Expand “Configuration Files” Open “web.xml” Select the “XML” view Modify any occurences of “ASM_Sample” to the name of your new project (e.g. “MyASM_Sample”)

22 Modification Step 5 – Modify XML files
Expand “Configuration Files” Open “web.xml” Select the “XML” view Modify any occurences of “ASM_Sample” to the name of your new project (e.g. “MyASM_Sample”)

23 Modification Step 5 – Modify XML files
Expand “Configuration Files” Open “portlet.xml” Select the “XML” view Change the “portlet-class” tag to the name of the class you renamed “ASM_SamplePortlet” to You are welcome to change any of the “portlet-info” sub-tags

24 Modification Step 5 – Modify XML files
Expand “Configuration Files” Open “portlet.xml” Select the “XML” view Change the “portlet-class” tag to the name of the class you renamed “ASM_SamplePortlet” to You are welcome to change any of the “portlet-info” sub-tags

25 Deploy it to Liferay-based gUSE
Sign in as a user with admin roles (default username is : password is : test )

26 Deploy it to Liferay-based gUSE
Navigate to Plugin Installer panel by clicking Manage -> Control Panel, and by selecting Plugins Installation from the menu in the left hand-side, finally clicking install More Portlets button and upload File link.

27 Adjusting it as a new component (just once)
As admin, please go to Settings menu and select Internal Services

28 Adjusting it as a new component (just once)
Click to New button and set the followings: Type of Component: portal Service group: gUSE URL of Component: URL to initialize Component: Public URL of Component: State: active Then click to Save button!

29 Adjusting it as a new component (just once)
Click to copy component Properties tab Set as Source component and as Destination one, then click to copy

30 Adjusting it as a new component
Finally initialize the whole portal again by calling (in some cases portal restart required.)

31 Creating new menuitem for it (just once)

32 Adding the portlet under this menu (just once)
Click to „Add” and select „more” The newly developed portlet should be available under undefined group. Finally click to „add” in the row of the portlet

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