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Design Cycle By Savannah Spitz.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Cycle By Savannah Spitz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Cycle By Savannah Spitz

2 Investigate Find ideas Find the problem Ask questions

3 Design Draw more then one possibilities to solve the problem
Pick the best one Tell why you picked it

4 Plan Write down steps to follow Write down materials for your design

5 Create Follow your steps Create your design

6 Evaluate Ask yourself how you did Write what you could've improved

7 Example You want to build a playhouse
The first thing you do is investigate . What’s the problem? Next thing you do is draw 2 designs . Pick your favorite one Write down the steps . Like what goes where, what you need , and how to build it

8 Now build it! Find out how it went . Good? Bad? And explain

9 Video

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