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Presentation on theme: "OMEGA FATTY ACIDS "— Presentation transcript:

1 OMEGA FATTY ACIDS Submitted to: H.p.pandey Submitted by: Jigisha pargi

2 INTRODUCTION There are two types of omega fatty acids as - omega-3 fatty acids - omega-6 fatty acids They are also called as essential fatty acids as humans like all, mammals can not make / synthesis them and most obtain them in their diet.

3 The location of the first double bond in unsaturated fatty acids affects the naming and characteristics of the unsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acid – First double bond is between the third and fourth carbon from the omega end – Example: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) One of the two essential fatty acids

4 Omega-6 fatty acid – First double bond is between the sixth and seventh carbon from the omega end – Example: linoleic acid One of the two essential fatty acids

5 Omega-3 fatty acids are found naturally in: Grains Brazil Nuts Hempseed Oil Mustard Seeds Pumpkin Seeds Chia Seed Oil Wheat Germ Oil Canola Oil (Rapeseed) Green Leafy Vegetables Raw Walnuts & Walnut Oil Flaxseeds or Flaxseed Oil

6 Omega-6 fatty acids are also found naturally in: Olive Oil Wheat germ Grape seeds Pistachios Sesame Oil Hempseed Oil Pumpkin Seeds Chia Seed Oil Safflower Oil Sunflower Oil Cottonseed Oil Raw Nuts & Seeds

7 DIFFRERENT FATTY ACIDS ARE CATEGORISE AS: Omega-3 Alpha linolenic acid(18:3) Ecosapentaenoic acid(20:5) Docosapentaenoic acid(22:5) Docosapentanoic acid(22:6) Omega-6 Linoleic acid (18:2) Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid(20:3 ) Arachidonic acid(20:4) docosatetraenoic acid(22:4) Docosapentaenoic acid(22:5)

8 MECHANISM OF ACTION: 1.Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids from fish and fish oil: Decrease production of prosta glandin E 2 Decrease in thromboxane A2 which is a potent platlet aggregator & vasocon srtricter Decrease in leucotriene B4 formation which is an inducer of inflammation & powerful induser of leucocyte chemotaxis & adherence. An increase in thromboxane A3 which is weak platlet aggregator & weak vasocon srtricter

9 2. Potential mechanism of omega 3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of CVD : Anti thrombogenic Reduce susceptibility of heart to ventricular arrhythmia Retard growth of atherosclerotic plaque. Reduce adhesion molecule expression Reduce platelet derived growth factor Promote nitric oxide induced endothelial relaxation.

10 HEALTH BENEFITS Omega-3 Fatty Acid: The health benefits of omega-3 fatty acid have shown that it may be useful for supporting the following: Asthma Diabetes Arthritis Osteoporosis Skin Disorders High Cholesterol High Blood Pressure Attention Disorders

11 Omega-6 Fatty Acid: The health benefits of omega-6 fatty acid have shown that it may be useful for supporting the following: Allergies Arthritis Attention Deficit Breast cancer Eczema High Blood Pressure Menopause symptoms Multiple Sclerosis Premenstrual syndrome


13 REFERENECES benefits-and-sources health/benefits-of-omega-3-6-9-fatty-acids


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