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Small claims court vocabulary

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1 Small claims court vocabulary
A presentation by: Kenneth Joe Galloway CEO - Knowledge, Growth & Support, Ltd.  027 Small claims court vocabulary

2 scorn To feel contempt (to feel something is worthless) for
To reject something in a way that you look at it as worthless Feeling too proud to do something

3 eliminate Remove or get rid of something
E.g. in competitions such as America’s Next Top Model, models are eliminated in each round.

4 rival A person or thing competing with another for the same objective
Someone you compete with

5 hissy fit An angry outburst, a temper tantrum

6 surmise To suppose that something is true without having concrete evidence to confirm it Making a guess

7 under the impression Thinking, assuming, or believing something (that may not be true)

8 faithful Loyal, constant
Sticking with someone/something as you promised to

9 profanity Bad language Swear words

10 Tense (a tense situation)
Stretched tight, unable to relax because of nervousness or anxiety E.g. during a fight, watching a scary movie

11 (to) Rev Informal word. To increase the running speed of an engine by pressing the accelerator “she revved the engine”

12 obscenity An extremely offensive word or expression
E.g. giving the middle finger

13 hassle Noun. Irritating inconvenience Verb. To annoy, pester
“it was a hassle to have to go buy coffee for everyone in the office, especially since they all wanted different things” Verb. To annoy, pester “stop hassling me!”

14 unbecoming Not flattering, not fitting or appropriate, ugly
Drinking is very unbecoming on some people

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