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Final Review. Sample of some major items since Mid Term.

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1 Final Review. Sample of some major items since Mid Term.
Check all other class content since the Mid Term to be on this test—first up next, Chap. 11

2 In public relations, the _____is the most commonly used public relations tactic.
News release

3 Chap. 11 quotes a recent study that said _____ percent of journalists said that they use public relations sources for their stories. eighty

4 shooting effective publicity photos
Photos must have strong contrast and sharp detail, the best photos are uncluttered, and action gives a photo interest are some of the guidelines of: shooting effective publicity photos

5 The chapter says media kits most often used for:
major product launches

6 A quote in broadcasting is called a:
Sound bite

7 PSA stands for ____ and VNR stands for _____
Public Service Announcement / video news release

8 A series of pre-booked, one-on-one interviews from a fixed location via satellite with a series of television journalists is called: a satellite media tour

9 When a company’s product is featured in a TV show or movie, it’s called
Product placement

10 Chap. 12 next…Mass media before the advent of the Internet were:
centralized/top-down operations, costly to publish, controlled by professional gatekeepers, & mostly one-way communication with limited feedback channels

11 Compared to traditional media, “New Media” offer:
widespread broadband access, cheap or free access, new advertising paradigms, new forms of communication including PR, where users can update information quickly, without having to reprint materials

12 Review some of the major PR-related acronyms, like ROI and SWOT.
See the reading and notes

13 See reading and class notes
In using digital media, you might use ‘RSS’—what does that mean, and what are the two types of RSS feeds? See reading and class notes

14 Because of the rise of social media, public relations practitioners must:
listen to facilitate conversations between organizations and their constituents.

15 Why should public relations practitioners run an organizational blog?
It’s a real-time conversation with key stakeholders and it’s a unique listening tool

16 Following are some from Chap. 13…What is the purpose of the event
Following are some from Chap. 13…What is the purpose of the event? How many people will attend? Who will attend? And, Who will speak? Are questions a(n) _____ would ask. Event planner

17 ‘To-do’s to be done before an event
Determine the best date and time for event, select the restaurant or other facility, and prepare a timetable for the events are: ‘To-do’s to be done before an event

18 When planning a banquet, which factor requires the closest attention?
The budget

19 The chapter says The purpose of a(n) _____ is to create favorable opinion about the organization.
Open house

20 To fulfill orders from management, to promote sales, to increase organizational visibility and to make friends are all reasons to hold a(n): Promotional event

21 It is considered a time-honored tool for increasing media attendance.
What is the thinking behind hiring a celebrity for a promotional event? It is considered a time-honored tool for increasing media attendance.

22 Next are from Chap. 14…Global public relations is also called:
International public relations

23 Even though still Communist, it has become industrialized.
Why do they say China has experienced explosive public relations growth? Even though still Communist, it has become industrialized.

24 International business
Chapter 14 says about one-third of U.S. corporate profits are generated through: International business

25 The communication styles of Asian and Arab nations are considered ___ context, while those of cultures like European and American communication styles are considered ____ context. High / low

26 United States Information Agency (USIA)
Stationing of public affairs officers at every American embassy, publication of books and magazines and distribution of American films and TV programs are typical activities of the: United States Information Agency (USIA)

27 All legal, political, fundraising, public relations and lobbying consultants hired by foreign governments to work in the U.S. must register with which U.S. federal department? Department of Justice

28 What is an NGO? See Chapter

29 more credible than news media.
With regard to issues such as labor, health, and the environment, NGOs are perceived by the public as how, in comparison to news media? more credible than news media.

30 Which Africa nation do they says has made strides in developing its public relations industry?

31 It affects the bottom line (profitability)
Next is Chap. 15…Ultimately, why do corporations seek to achieve better reputations? It affects the bottom line (profitability)

32 Print and broadcast media
A survey conducted by Hill & Knowlton found that Canadian CEOs believed who/what was the biggest threat to their company’s reputation? Print and broadcast media

33 Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
In the United States, which government agency regulates truth in advertising? Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

34 Customer satisfaction has always been considered important because of the power of ------.
Word of mouth

35 Securities and Exchange Commission
Which government regulatory agency oversees the financial matters of public companies? Securities and Exchange Commission

36 The initials IPO stand for ___, and why is this relevant to understanding corporate PR?
See the reading

37 IMC (which stands for --- [see book]
When companies manage all the sources of information about a product or service as to ensure maximum message penetration, this is the definition the book uses for: IMC (which stands for --- [see book]

38 Allocating a percentage of sales to restore the Statue of Liberty would be an example of _____ marketing. Cause-related

39 What does the chapter say is the primary purpose of “viral marketing?”
stimulate impulse purchases or downloads.

40 Corporate sponsorship
Reputation and image enhancement brand visibility, a focal point for marketing and sales, and publicity and media coverage are all benefits of: Corporate sponsorship

41 Next is Chap. 16… _____ comes from natural public curiosity but also nurturing by publicists

42 The first step in conducting a personality campaign is to:
Interview the client

43 The primary goal of any campaign for an entertainment event is to:
Sell tickets

44 ______ publicity occurs when a steady output of information is produced.
Drip, drip, drip

45 One danger of excessive promotion of a celebrity is that:
audience expectations will become too high.

46 Distributing information about clients, trying to stir emotions, soothing pubic displeasure, and providing sports crisis management all fit into the work of: Sports publicists

47 travel promotion professional
Stimulating the public’s desire to visit a place, arranging for the travelers to reach it, and making sure that visitors are well treated when they get there are all the work of a(n): travel promotion professional

48 Next is Chapter 10…The chapter says in the United States, the most significant aspect of the mass audience or general public is: diversity

49 Advocacy groups, educational groups and charitable organizations all fall into the category of “_______” Prepackaged publics

50 They tend to define themselves according to their profession, they are well educated and take pride in accomplishment, and they are competitive, particularly when it comes to careers describes: Babt boomers

51 Which demographic group is the largest consumer of television, magazines, books, and newspapers?

52 It has increasingly become more visually oriented and it has a shorter attention span is general characteristic of: ’21st Century people’

53 You should consider government employment; it is a growing sector.
Next is Chapter 17…If you are soon graduating and seeking career employment in public relations, what should you expect regarding government employment? You should consider government employment; it is a growing sector.

54 Federal agencies spend several hundred million dollars each year promoting such things as:
military recruitment, government health services and U.S. Postal Services.

55 preparing and distributing “hometown” news releases by the military.
The chapter says one of the federal government’s longest-running public relations efforts has been: preparing and distributing “hometown” news releases by the military.

56 _____ is the name for public relations professionals whose main responsibilities include influence impending legislation. lobbyists

57 Deep suspicion exists about former legislators and officials who capitalize on their connections and charge fees for doing what is commonly called: Influence peddling

58 Ethics in Government Act
The ______ forbids government officials from actively lobbying their former agencies for one year after leaving office. Ethics in Government Act

59 Chap. 18 is next…What are some of the facts about regarding nonprofit organizations and public relations? Nonprofits make up a broad area of public relations work, Competition among nonprofit agencies for donations is intense, and Partnerships among nonprofit organizations are based on common interests.

60 What is considered to be is a critical challenge for virtually all nonprofit organizations?

61 Monitor congressional activity, lobby for or against legislation, communicate late-breaking developments to the membership, and interact with government officials are major functions of: Trade associations

62 A(n) _______is best defined as one that fights for social causes.
Advocacy group

63 Social service organizations
Goodwill Industries, the American Red Cross, the Boy Scouts and YMCA all fall into the category of ____. Social service organizations


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