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RESPONSIBLE CARE WORKSHOP – 29 NOVEMBER 2017 PROGRAM 14u u30  Responsible Care and Sustainability Jacques Declercq 14u u 00   BACD Indices of Performance - Data 2016               Wim Vermeylen IMCD Benelux N.V.  HSEQ Manager 15u u30 Drug Precursors                                                              Philippe De Buck Afdelingshoofd FAGG 15u u30   Ronde tafel discussie - Actuele BACD Responsible Care Certificaathouders Responsible Care Improvement Plan Rond 16u30 Receptie aangeboden door de BACD More Value through Distribution

AND SUSTAINABILITY More Value through Distribution

4 BACD Vision On the basis of the vision in which BACD states that chemistry plays an essential role in sustainable development throughout the world, BACD wishes to contribute to a successful future and a continually improving quality of life for everyone. More Value through Distribution

5 “Sustainable development is development that meets
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” Gro Harlem Brundtland More Value through Distribution

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Customers Request for sustainable operations and supply chains Demand for sustainable products Procurement initiatives (e.g. TfS ) Suppliers Develop sustainable solutions Demand for partners to distribute sustainable solutions Regulations EU Directive on Non-Financial Reporting REACH Public Future employees Neighbourhood General Public More Value through Distribution

VS. SUSTAINABILITY More Value through Distribution

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Legal requirements. Conform with all legal regulations and requirements and should operate in accordance with both government and industry codes of practice and guidance associated with heir chemical activities. PEOPLE – SOCIAL - Ensuring a fair Society Ethics and Governance - Compliance IoP Measurement : Number of Convictions More Value through Distribution

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2. Management of risk. Ensure that their activities do not present an unacceptable level of risk to employees, contractors, customers, the public or the environment. PEOPLE – SOCIAL - Ensuring a fair Society Safety & Health Working Conditions & Employee Interests PLANET – ENVIRONMENT - Living within environmental limits Waste management Logistics & transport IoP Measurement : Number of incidents Produced waste Security Risk Assessment More Value through Distribution

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3. Policies and Documentation. Have written documentation, which covers their activities, and ensure that their health, safety and environmental policies reflect their commitment to a joint Responsible Distribution/Responsible Care Programme as an integral part of their business strategy. PROFIT – ECONOMY - Creating a Sustainable Business Efficient Processes Business Model IoP Measurement : Number of ISO Certificates ESAD / SQAS Certified or Verified Self Assessment More Value through Distribution

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4. Provision of information. Provide relevant health safety and environmental information on company products and activities to employees, contractors, customers, statutory bodies and the public. PEOPLE – SOCIAL - Ensuring a fair Society Education and Development Product Stewardship IoP Measurement : Implementation of Training Safety Data Sheets More Value through Distribution

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5. Training. Ensure that all employees are aware of their commitment and provide the training necessary to enable them to be involved in the achievement of health, safety and environmental objectives. PEOPLE – SOCIAL - Ensuring a fair Society Education and Development Product Stewardship IoP Measurement : Implementation of Training Safety Data Sheets More Value through Distribution

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6. Emergency response. Establish and maintain an appropriate emergency response system. PEOPLE – SOCIAL - Ensuring a fair Society Safety and Security IoP Measurement : Implementation of an Emergency Response System Regular Testing of Alarm Procedures More Value through Distribution

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7. Ongoing improvements. Support and participate in those activities that will improve the quality of their own operations and strengthen health, safety and environmental consciousness and awareness. PROFIT – ECONOMY - Creating a Sustainable Business Creativity and Innovation IoP Measurement : Yearly Presentation of an Improvement Plan PEOPLE – SOCIAL - Ensuring a fair Society PLANET – ENVIRONMENT - Living within environmental limits More Value through Distribution

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8. Community interaction. Maintain an awareness of and respond to community concerns that relate to their activities. PEOPLE – SOCIAL - Ensuring a fair Society Locality and Communities Education and Development IoP Measurement : Number of Community Interactions and Events. More Value through Distribution

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CONCLUSIONS Based on an analysis of the 8 basic principles we can see that Responsible Care is contributing largely to the three pillars of Sustainability : Society, Economy and Environment. An important point is that the results of the application of Responsible Care/Sustainability are measured (vs. Time) by the Indices of Performance. Responsible Care and Sustainability create the opportunity to make your company attractive to suppliers, customers, employees and other stakeholders. Responsible Care and Sustainability can generate impulses for new business and can help to identify areas for savings. Circular Economy, one of the aspects in the Planet pillar, is a good example of how the distribution sector is contributing to Sustainability by using the system of returnable packaging. Responsible Care with SQAS/ESAD and verified Self Assessments will remain important standards for industry. More Value through Distribution

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