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Tapu Te Ranga Marae, Wellington 24 – 25 June 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Tapu Te Ranga Marae, Wellington 24 – 25 June 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tapu Te Ranga Marae, Wellington 24 – 25 June 2014
EEZ Hui : Introduction Tapu Te Ranga Marae, Wellington 24 – 25 June 2014 Last month Paul presented EPA Strategy Linda Faulkner

2 EPA Updates Te Herenga Working group Draft work plan & priorities A new approach EEZ Hui Context The regulatory regime ‘building the plane as we fly it’

3 The EPA Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO Act)
Resource Management (RM Act) Imports and Exports (Restrictions) Prohibitions Order (No.2) Antarctica (Environmental Protection) Act 1994 Ozone Layer Protection Act 1996 (OLPA) Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ Act) Emissions Trading (Climate Change Response Act)

4 EPA Updates EPA 3 Years Old – 1 July 2014 New faces:
Kaupapa Kura Taiao – ‘bigger, better, stronger’ Ngā Kaihautū Tikanga Taiao – ‘reshaping for new approaches’ EPA Board – ‘stepping in to the decision-making space’ EPA Strategy / He Whetū Mārama Functions still coming and going

5 Te Herenga Re-established 2013 Working group – develop work plan
Seek the continual improvement of the value and effectiveness of Māori engagement in EPA decision-making Working group – develop work plan Draft: Kahui kaumātua Hui / wānanga Development Applications Projects

6 EEZ Regulatory Regime NZ exclusive economic zone: nautical miles offshore Extended continental shelf: seabed & subsoil of NZ submerged landmass that extends beyond our EEZ One of the largest in the world: more than 20x the size of NZ 6 Agencies with responsibilities

7 Who is involved & when?

8 Roles & Responsibilities of Regulators
Exploration Roles & Responsibilities of Regulators Ministry for the Environment Develops environmental policy Administers legislation and regulations applying to the EEZ and territorial waters. New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals Allocates areas for exploration through Block Offer process Processes and monitors prospecting, exploration and mining permits. Assesses operators’ technical and financial capability, etc. Restoration Department of Conservation Administers guidelines for minimising disturbance to marine mammals from seismic survey. WorkSafe New Zealand Administers the rules to make sure the oil ‘stays in the pipe’ and the risk of a well failure is as low as reasonably practical. Maritime New Zealand Ensures operators can stem the flow of oil in the unlikely event of a well blowout. Coordination of any national-level oil spill responses. Environmental Protection Authority Manages the effects of restricted activities on the environment in the EEZ (12 to 200 nautical miles offshore). Considers applications for marine consents, monitors compliance and carries out enforcement. Rob Forlong (CEO, EPA) will speak to this slide. Because all petroleum activities outside of Taranaki are exploration related, this slide provides more detail around the regulatory regime that sits around this process and clarifies which agencies are responsible for what. Bullet points have been provided by each respective agencies as a guide to be talked to. Additional supporting information provided by agencies: Ministry for the Environment (to be presented alongside EPA role) - MfE is the environmental policy agency that provides advice to the Minister for the Environment. - The Ministry is responsible for developing the EEZ laws and regulations the EPA operates under. - This work is ongoing and happens in stages. - Before the EEZ Act there was nothing that fully assessed environmental effects in the EEZ. WorkSafe New Zealand - Inspectors have the power to issue improvement, prohibition and infringement notices and, if necessary, prosecute in the event of non-compliance.

9 Questions

10 Otago activity timeline
New Zealand Oil & Gas Seismic surveying in late 2014 and late 2015 Exploration drilling by late 2016* Anadarko Exploration drilling in 2015* Shell Exploration drilling by December 2016* Woodside seismic surveying by late 2014 and early 2015 TAG Oil Seismic surveying by mid 2014 Exploration drilling by mid 2015* Greymouth were awarded this permit in July This permit requires them to complete the following: Commit or surrender by late 2014 Seismic surveying by mid 2015 Commit or surrender by mid 2016 Complete exploration drilling by mid 2017. *please note these activities are subject to the operator committing to more activity or surrendering their permit.

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