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Literacy Phonics Maths Notices

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1 Literacy Phonics Maths Notices
Newsletter Reception Class 21st October 2016 Literacy This week we have read to the end of Peter Pan. We have then been talking about our favourite part of the story. Everybody has really enjoyed learning about Peter Pan and has tried extremely hard with their work throughout this topic. Well done everyone! Next week we will be drawing and writing about our favourite parts of the book as well as looking at spooky stories ready for Halloween. This week we have finished reading the Peter Pan story. Our favourite part of the story was when Captain Hook was swallowed by the ginormous crocodile! We have also enjoyed learning about crocodiles and investigating the terms sinking and floating using the pirate ships. Phonics This week we have learnt two new sounds and two new letters which are ‘c ‘u’ and ‘r’. We have been looking at their formations and have been finding different things around the classroom that start with these sounds. We also continued to practice reading and writing cvc words. Additionally, we have been learning to read the tricky words to, no, go, I and the. Maths This week we have been learning about length in the context of shortest and tallest. We have also been investigating capacity. Next week we will be concentration on addition with totals no bigger than 10. Notices This weeks homework is sound ‘u’ and ‘r’ in your child’s sound book. Please can you continue to read with your child each night and please don’t forget read their Key Words. Many thanks for your continued support, Miss Brown.

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