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Writing C.

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1 Writing C

2 Announcements Importance of class attendance
Computer lab on Thursday (please bring a flashdrive on Thursday)

3 Homework Finish your interview draft and bring it on Tuesday
Find a restaurant for your restaurant review, begin to brainstorm ideas/outline (see handout)


5 Revising Your Writing Revising means improving the content and organization or your draft. When you revise, you can add material, delete material, or move material from one place to another. Use these editing marks when you revise: Carets (^) to show where to insert material lines to cross out material circles and arrows to show where you’re moving material

6 Analyze supporting details
When writing a composition, one common mistake is not developing or explaining the ideas in the body with enough specific supporting details. Read the two paragraphs. Which one has better specific supporting details? Practice 5, p 30

7 Model sentence enhancing:
The car pulled into the parking space. (soo boring) The shiny ebony Mercedez-Benz with glorious chrome spinning rims, black leather interior, and a Swarovski crystal-studded license plate Tokyo- drifted into the very last available parking space on the 6th floor of the East Nutwood Parking Structure at Cal State Fullerton.

8 Activity: Sentence Enhancing
I was in the park, there were birds flying and people walking. In groups of 3-4 people, expand the sentence.

9 Practice 6 p31. Let’s add specific details to this composition
(See handout)

10 Peer Feedback A useful activity for revising is to exchange drafts with a classmate and give each other feedback. feedback: comments, suggestions, and impressions Benefits: give you valuable practice for analyzing papers for possible improvement You don’t have to accept suggestions for revision. In the end, it is your paper.

11 What is the purpose of peer review?
Get opinions from authentic readers Get suggestions for revision (ex: reordering paragraphs) Get new ideas for paper

12 True/False A good peer reviewer will correct every single grammar mistake on your essay. A good peer reviewer uses “I” statements and polite language when giving feedback. A good peer reviewer will be honest with you about feedback. A good peer reviewer gives vague feedback.

13 Good Peer Reviewer Qualities:
Honest Specific Kind Tactful Cooperative not authoritarian Enthusiastic Nonjudgmental Uses “I” statements, rather than “you statements” for hedging: Examples: I noticed that the paragraphs were a little unclear, maybe you could use specific examples?

14 ‪Writing Peer Review (Peer Critique) TOP 10 Mistakes‬
Brought to you by adorable children:

15 Peer Review Find a partner that has completed their draft and exchange papers Read your partner’s paper and answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper: What is something you like about their draft? What is something they could improve on? Go through the checklist on page 32. Did they do everything on the check list? Once you are finished, please return the paper to your partner and go over your feedback with them


17 Chapter 4: Supplying Reasons p. 81
Main Idea: Topic + Comment/Opinion Example: Topic: Reading Comment: I enjoy it when I have free time Main idea: I enjoy reading whenever I have free time. Practice 2 p 81

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