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Chapter 29: Civil Rights, Vietnam, and The Ordeal of Liberalism

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1 Chapter 29: Civil Rights, Vietnam, and The Ordeal of Liberalism
APUSH UNIT ELEVEN Chapter 29: Civil Rights, Vietnam, and The Ordeal of Liberalism

2 The Warren Court Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) Mapp v. Ohio (1961) Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) Escobedo v. Illinois (1964) Miranda v. Arizona (1966) Yates v. United States (1957) Baker v. Carr (1962) Engel v. Vitale (1962) Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)

3 Election of 1960 Nixon Kennedy 47 Ike’s VP “kitchen debate” 43
Catholic “Missile Gap”

4 Four Televised Debates


6 “Camelot”- JFK & Jackie

7 “New Frontier” Education Health Care Urban Renewal Civil Rights
Peace Corps Space Program

8 November 22, 1963-Dallas, TX

9 Lee Harvey Oswald… Jack Ruby…. Conspiracy Theories.. Chief Justice Earl Warren – Warren Commission… Govt. credibility…

10 Lyndon Baines Johnson – 36th President

11 War on Poverty The Other America – 1962 – M. Harrington
OEO –Office of Economic Opportunity Head Start Job Corps

12 Election of 1964 LBJ Barry Goldwater

13 “The Daisy Ad”


15 The Great Society Medicare Medicaid Immigration Laws…
National Foundation for the Arts and Humanities DOT HUD Public Housing

16 The “Johnson Treatment”


18 Emmett Till


20 Anniston, AL

21 1962 – Ole Miss James Meredith

22 Birmingham - “Bull” Connor

23 1963 – George Wallace

24 Martin Luther King Jr. “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”

25 March on Washington – 1963 – “I Have a Dream”

26 1963 – Birmingham 16th Street Baptist Church
KKK planted bomb went off just before Sunday School 4 killed, 22 wounded

27 Civil Rights Act

28 Selma to Montgomery

29 “Bloody Sunday”

30 24th Amendment and Voting Rights Act of 1965

31 Black Muslim Movement Elijah Muhammed Malcom X

32 “Black Power” – Stokely Carmichael
SNCC and CORE become more radical…

33 Black Panthers 1965 Watts section of LA….

34 April Memphis

35 1968 Civil Rights Act (Fair Housing Act)

36 “Flexible Response” Opposite of… “Brushfire Wars”… Green Berets Congo
Laos Vietnam Green Berets

37 Bay of Pigs 1961 CIA trained Cuban exiles…

38 Berlin Wall Kennedy … Nikita Kruschev…


40 “Ich bin ein Berliner!”

41 Cuban Missile Crisis


43 Vietnam – The 10,000 Day War Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3:
A Television War A Proxy War A Limited War

44 Vietnam Buildup under Kennedy…”advisers” “strategic hamlets”…
Ngo Dinh Diem

45 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
A “blank check” to protect U.S. interests in Vietnam

46 Who did we fight? North Vietnamese Army – Vietminh (NVA) led by Ho Chi Minh Vietcong (VC or NLF)– south Vietnamese peasant farmers/guerrillas “Charlie”

47 Ho Chi Minh Trail

48 Operation Rolling Thunder
Agent Orange Napalm

49 Tet Offensive - January 1968

50 1968 Tet Offensive LBJ withdraws from presidential race
Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated Race Riots Student Demonstrations Robert Kennedy assassinated

51 Election of 1968 Democrats- Hubert Humphrey VP to LBJ Liberal
Democratic Convention in Chicago… Richard Daley

52 American Independent Party – George Wallace
Segregationist Resentment against DC “pointy headed liberals”

53 Republicans – Richard Nixon
“peace with honor” “law and order”


55 Chapter 30: The Crisis of Authority
APUSH UNIT ELEVEN Chapter 30: The Crisis of Authority

56 Students for a Democratic Society – New Left
Tom Hayden Free Speech Movement Berkeley

57 Peoples Park

58 Counterculture

59 Hippies



62 Weathermen

63 “Hawks” vs “Doves”

64 AIM

65 Cesar Chavez

66 The Feminine Mystique

67 NOW

68 Roe v. Wade

69 Earth Day

70 Richard Nixon 37th President Secretive and suspicious…

71 Henry Kissinger National Security Advisor (1st term)
Secretary of State (2nd Term) With Nixon…

72 Vietnam “peace with honor” Vietnamization… Nixon Doctrine…

73 Bombings of NVA strongholds in Cambodia & Laos
Tries to cut Ho Chi Minh Trail

74 Kent State 1970

75 The Pentagon Papers

76 My Lai Massacre (1968)

77 Kissinger….. Massive bombing of North Vietnam… Paris Accords (1973)

78 Fall of Saigon – April 1975

79 Khmer Rouge – Pol Pot - Cambodia

80 Detente Nixon travels to China and meets with Mao Zedong…

81 Detente Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT I)…

82 Nixon’s Domestic Policy
Revenue sharing (New Federalism) 1970 recesssion …stagflation Keynesian economics 90 day wage & price freeze

83 Southern Strategy Nixon appeals to the “silent majority”…
Tries to delay integration… Authorizes VP Spiro Agnew…

84 Election of 1972


86 Watergate Background: Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP)
“plumbers” “enemies list”

87 Watergate June 1972… Judge John Sirica…
Washington Post - Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein…

88 Senator Howard Baker – (R) TN
“the primary thesis is this, what did the President know and when did he know it?”

89 More Watergate John Dean…. Nixon Tapes… Saturday Night Massacre
United States v. Nixon (1974)

90 Meanwhile in 1973 VP Spiro Agnew…. War Powers Act… Roe v. Wade…
Yom Kippur War… OPEC Embargo… Gas “Crunch”

91 Archibald Cox… House begins impeachment hearings…

92 August 9, 1974

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