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Josh Roberts Mia Bawale Lisa Fortin Noah McBride Max Menke Victor Tran

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1 Josh Roberts Mia Bawale Lisa Fortin Noah McBride Max Menke Victor Tran
Privacy Committee Josh Roberts Mia Bawale Lisa Fortin Noah McBride Max Menke Victor Tran

2 PCR and Sequencing

3 What is PCR? Polymerase Chain Reaction allows scientists to reproduce millions of the strands of DNA It’s done by: Adding primers, nucleotides, and DNA polymerase to the DNA strand Thermal Cycles will activated the mass production by denature, anneal, and extension

4 Sequencing Determining the precise order of the nucleotides of a DNA strand Next Generation Sequencing Uses an old technique called Sanger chain-termination Cluster Generation -Glass slides(Frag), Polymerase, Bridge Amplification Sequencing - Indexes, Primers, Nucleotides Data Analysis - Match up with similar reads calls by electrophoresis phohroreises .

5 Case Study - Henrietta Lacks

6 Who was Henrietta Lacks
was born in roanoke virginia 1920 Was poor black and uneducated Died at 31 due to cervical cancer 1951 had 5 kids before she died

7 HeLa cells Cells could replicate and thrive in a lab
Have been the subject of more than 74,000 studies Used to create: polio and other vaccines, cancer therapies, in vitro fertilization techniques, and drugs for herpes, leukemia, influenza, hemophilia and Parkinson’s disease

8 Ethical Concerns The family was not told of the use of Henrietta's cells until 1973 Neither Henrietta nor her family consented to the use of her cells Her family has received none of the billions of dollars made through the use of her cells The complete genome of Henrietta was published and made available for download

9 Case Study - DNA Banking

10 What is DNA banking? DNA Banking is the secure, long term storage of an individual's genetic material. DNA banks are used to help fight crime All 50 states have approved DNA banking for use in forensics

11 The benefits of DNA banking
Helps catch criminals Helps those who have been wrongly accused

12 Disadvantages of DNA banking
Infringes on civil liberties Could potentially cause discrimination Revokes criminals right to be rehabilitated Individual's right to privacy

13 Philosophy of Privacy

14 Pro Aristotelian Justice - Using to the Best Purposes
Henrietta Lacks Case Study: Using DNA for its purpose: storing human information Many scientific discoveries were found by using Lack’s cells Access to more DNA could lead to more discoveries

15 Pro Maximizing Happiness
Producing the most happiness for the majority of society Case: Wild Goose Chase Citizens are happier when they feel safe With more criminals off the street the safer the streets are

16 Con Human Nature “We become individuals through the discovery that we
We all have something to hide, it’s in our human nature DNA is just genetic makeup does not determine personality traits We lose sense of our individuality when everyone knows everything “We become individuals through the discovery that we could hide something from others”

17 Con J.S. Mill’s Individual Rights
Individual rights and liberty will produce the most happiness in the long run Case: Wild Goose Chase Possibility of wrongly prosecutions With government having access to personal information citizens can feel violated - 4th amendment

18 Website

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