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Stanford Experiment Learning Targets:

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1 Stanford Experiment Learning Targets:
You will be able to outline the procedural steps which occurred in the Stanford Experiment. You will critique what you think was the most influential turning point in the experiment. C. By examining the Stanford Experiment, you will apply the 3 sociological perspectives. D. You will differentiate the Stanford Experiment and the Milgram Experiment.

2 Stanford Experiment-Procedure
Learning Targets: -You will be able to outline the procedural steps which occurred in the Stanford Experiment. -You will critique what you think was the most influential turning point in the experiment. Procedure- Step 1- Go to the PowerPoint which gives and overview of the Stanford Experiment. Step 2 “Assessments”- In order to critique the Stanford Experiment, outline the important procedural steps which occurred in the Stanford Experiment. Critique what you think was the most influential turning point in the experiment.

3 Applying the 3 sociological perspectives to the Stanford Experiment
Learning Target- By examining the Stanford Experiment, you will apply the 3 sociological perspectives. By using examples from the Stanford Experiment, apply the following sociological perspectives. - Structural Functionalist - Conflict Perspective -Symbolic Interactionist

4 Reflection Questions Milgram’s Experiment and Stanford Experiment
Learning Target: You will differentiate the Stanford Experiment and the Milgram Experiment. Assessment- 1. Identify similarities and differences between both studies. 2. What did you learn about authority and obedience from both studies? 3. What can be learned from both studies which would be beneficial related to crime. 4. Can a study really be unethical if beneficial information is obtained?

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