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Welcome to Ukulele Club !

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Ukulele Club !"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Ukulele Club !

2 Snack

3 Ukulele History The ukulele originated in the 19th century as a Hawaiian interpretation of the machete, a small guitar-like instrument brought to Hawaii by Portuguese immigrants. Ukuleles are usually connected to music from Hawaii. Ukulele in Hawaiian roughly translates as “jumping flea” perhaps because of the movement of the players According to Queen Lili’uokalani, the last Hawaiian monarch, the name means “the gift that came here,” from the Hawaiian works uku (gift or reward) and lele (to come)

4 Name Game I’m going on a picnic….my name is Mr. Aleckson and I am going to bring apple juice

5 Partners

6 How To Hold Your Ukulele

7 Left Hand Pointer Middle Finger Ring Finger Pinky Finger

8 Left hand Placement Your fingers should be on their tips and placed just behind the frets (not on top of them).

9 No… Incorrect Incorrect

10 The Ukulele

11 Teach: OK!

12 Tuning Your Ukulele

13 Piano Notes

14 Chords

15 Making a C Chord

16 3 Important Chords

17 Playing the C Chord: Down Strum

18 Song of the day Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

19 Homework Brainstorm a list of songs you would like to learn how
to play on the ukulele to discuss next week.

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