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Sage News AT NC: November

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1 Sage News AT NC: November
First Grade Pep: This month we are setting goals, and beginning to explore a geometry unit. We are looking at symmetry and reflections and creating our own tangram puzzles to solve. Second Grade Pep: Students completed their monster experiments and used landmarks to draw conclusions about poppers. We are now beginning some logic and problem solving questions using charts and lists as strategies. Reading SAGE: the third graders are working on learning to summarize books rather than retell. We have talked about how summaries usually contain information about the main character, setting, problem and solution. The fifth graders are well into their nonfiction unit. They have decided that they want to research the physics components involved in rube Goldberg machines, and use this knowledge to create their own. I am excited to see what they come up with Fourth/fifth Grade Math SAGE: Students are studying the rate at which dry ice sublimes. We are graphing the time it takes for it to sublime in water, soap, and at room temperature air. We are also analyzing graphs and writing equations on a coordinate grid. We are also learning to use multiple types on problem solving strategies when working with complex problems on ted talks. Students have used manipulates, made charts and graphs, and reread (rewatched) the problem. Third Grade Math SAGE: Third graders have conducted their own investigations of bubbles. They are gathering data to support their hypotheses regarding bubble strength and color. Students will be analyzing their data in order to draw conclusions about the natural world.

2 Sage News AT MH: November
Reading SAGE: the third graders are working on making inferences about characters in their books in order to get a deeper understanding. We are working on writing about our reading in depth and using quotes and examples to explain our thinking. 5th grade sage readers are also working on writing plays with in depth and complex plots and characters. We have discussed incorporating symbolism into the plays and creating dimensional characters. 5th graders are beginning book clubs on various novels like the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe, and chasing Vermeer. Third/fourth Grade Math SAGE: Students are engrossed in a paper towel testing unit. We were learning how to take a correct sample size, use random number generators, obtain data in an unbiased way and will soon be analyzing results. Now we are conducting and creating science experiments in order to rate the paper towels according to strength and absorbency. Additionally, we are working on communicating our mathematical thinking in a logical and organized manner. Fifth grade Math SAGE: 5th graders are currently working on creating a rube Goldberg machine. We will be creating diagrams of our contraptions that are to measure. We are also working on graphing data on a coordinate plane and interpreting the data based on evidence. The graphing will aid in our understanding of the rube Goldberg machines.

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