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FAITH CLINIC Get ready to be touched….

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1 FAITH CLINIC Get ready to be touched…

2 Sermon: Spiritual Checkup
Text: Matt. 26:41a INTRODUCTION: Another word for Spiritual Checkup is Spiritual Maintenance… It is highly recommended that you do a checkup of your spiritual life regularly. The purpose is to put in order what might be disorganized in your Christian life.

3 AREAS TO CHECKUP A. PRAYER-LIFE Mark 6:46, Luke 6:12, Psalm 5:3,
1Thes. 5:17 Pray without ceasing!!!

4 A life without Faith is a life that faints.
B. FAITH Some Christians are going down to the extent of not Believing in God because they fail to look to the author of Faith. Heb. 11:1, Heb. 12:2, Rom. 1:17, Gal. 3: 11, Heb. 10:38. A life without Faith is a life that faints.

5 C. SANCTIFICATION It is unfortunate that most believers do not see it necessary to live a sanctified life. Heb. 2:11, Heb. 10:4 (Are you still performing rituals?), 1Thes. 4:7.

6 D. BIBLE STUDY Are you a word-empty Christian? Isa. 34:16a, Acts 6:4 (Pray with the word, Do you know your Bible?) Is it only John 3:16 you know??? What about the Book of Nehemiah, Isaiah, Ruth, Micah, Nahum e.t.c

7 FASTING AND PRAYER Are you feasting instead of Fasting?
Have you forgotten that some kinds cannot go but by Fasting and Prayer?? Matt. 17:21, Mark 9:29 Neh. 9:1. In conclusion, please always check the state of Health of your spirit mind, Have you forgotten that the things of the spirit determines the physical.

8 1. Father, please check me and heal me
PRAYER SESSION 1. Father, please check me and heal me 2. Father, Re-fill me, I’m thirsty 3. Father, Open my understanding to the things of the spirit 4. Father, Please register my voice in heaven so that Heaven will recognize my voice.


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