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10/10/11 Taylor Robinson Greg Hale Preston Ulibarri

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Presentation on theme: "10/10/11 Taylor Robinson Greg Hale Preston Ulibarri"— Presentation transcript:

1 10/10/11 Taylor Robinson Greg Hale Preston Ulibarri
Motivation 10/10/11 Taylor Robinson Greg Hale Preston Ulibarri

2 What’s Your Motivation?

3 What is Motivation? Motivation: The need or desire that energizes and directs behavior. Three Perspectives of Motivation: Drive-Reduction Theory Arousal Theory “Hierarchy of Needs” Theory Hunger The Need to Belong Other Emotions

4 Drive-Reduction Theory
Unmet biological and psychological needs Body pushes us to meet these needs Pulled by Incentives Toasted Ants vs. Toast

5 Arousal Theory Arousal Theory Seek other Stimulus
Stress and decreased arousal Aron Ralston: “Because it is there…”

6 Hierarchy of Needs

7 Hunger WWII Concentration Camps Ancel Keys’s Experiment
Became food obsessed Extremely Important Motivator Dehumanized Distant with the world

8 The Need to Belong The Social Animal Boosted Chances of Survival
Conforming to fit the group Good impressions Billions spent on looks Ostracism Kipling Williams Aggression Depression

9 Emotion Motivation and Powerful Emotions are linked
Adaptive Level Phenomenon Can you buy your happiness? Relative Deprivation Tragedy University of Wisconsin’s Study

10 So what? Motivation arises from stimulus Understand what motivates us
Three Perspectives Hunger Need to Belong Emotions Questions?

11 Test Question Can you name one of the three perspectives, and briefly explain it? Drive-Reduction Theory assumes that all unmet biological and psychological needs (hunger or thirst) create an aroused state Arousal Theory once our biological needs are met (hunger, thirst, ect) that we may feel bored and seek other stimulation to increase our arousal Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow’s pyramid that ranges from the most basic of needs to the most advanced starting with your necessary biological needs and ending with transcendence needs

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