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2 Benfits of Open Source Software are:
What is Open Source Open source software are Software whose code is readable from a human point of view This offer the ability to: Study and understand what is being done Modify the code to suit ones need Port the code to a new hardware environemnt Benfits of Open Source Software are: Security Affordability Transparency Perpetuity Interoperability Localisation.

3 Open Source Initiative
Open Source Initiative advocate more stringent classification which include- 1. Free Redistribution 2. Access and modification to the Source Code 3. Able to Derive Works 4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code 5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups 6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor 7. Distribution of License 8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product 9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software software. 10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral

4 Open Source Vs Proprietaried Softwares

5 Main Contributer Richard Stallman: Free Software Foundation
providing GNU tools – emacs, c compiler, debugger Linus Torvalds: provided the kernel to complement the GNU tools Eric Raymond – Cathedral and the Bazaar (CatB) in 1998

6 Failaur of Open Source ● Success limited to things that hackers/coders
care about – no sense of roadmap; whatever that needs to be done for the “now” ● When there are no published and open standards available on royalty free terms ● When it is driven by “hate” for the other side – not healthy

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