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Presentation on theme: "REIGN OF TERROR DBQ PACKET ANSWERS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Document A For nearly two years, France was a constitutional monarchy. What kind of Government is that? A form of government in which the power of the monarch is limited by a parliament, by law, or by custom.

3 Document A 2. How many months was it between the guillotining of Louis XVI and the guillotining of Robespierre? 18

4 Document A 3. Why did the revolutionary government in Paris need a military draft in 1793? War with Prussia and Austria Counterrevolutionary revolts inside France

5 Document A 4. What evidence is there that the revolutionary government that supported the Reign of Terror also supported human rights? 1794-All slavery in French colonies abolished Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen* * Not on timeline

6 Document A ( #4 continued)
4. What evidence is there that the government that supported the Reign of Terror denied human rights? Tribunal of Public Safety Forced military drafts Christian churches closed by government Government denies legal counsel to enemies of revolution

7 Document A 5. What evidence is there that the Reign of Terror was successful in fighting both enemies inside France(counter revolutionaries) and foreign enemies? 1793 (Dec.) Counter - revolution in western France near collapse 1794 ( April /May) French Victory over foreign enemies nearly complete

8 Prussia and Austria Document B
1. With which countries was France at war in and 1794? Prussia and Austria

9 Document B Longwy and Verdun
2. Which major cities did the French lose in 1792? Longwy and Verdun

10 Document B 3. Why was Austria so concerned about the possible spread of the French Revolution? That revolution might spread to it’s own country Concern about safety of Marie Antoinette

11 Document B 4. How did émigrés threaten France?
Formed armies and allied themselves with France’s foreign enemies

12 Document B 5. Based on this document, do you think executing French supporters of the Austrian and Prussian monarchies was justified? Explain Answers will vary. Credit if some sort of explanation is given

13 Document C 1. What do the shaded areas represent on this map?
Areas of resistance to the revolutionary government

14 Document C 2. What was the levee en masse? A military draft

15 Document C 3. What did the government do to religious property in Auxerre, France Carried a copper cross mockingly, upside down on a cart and offering it to passers-by to spit on

16 Document C 4. Why do you think so many people were killed in in 1793?
Fierce opposition to the draft and desire to save the Church from destruction by Revolution

17 Document C 5. How could you use this document to show the reign of terror was justified or not justified? Answers will vary. Credit if some sort of explanation is given

18 Document D 1.When was this letter written? August 25, 1793

19 Document D 2. Who wrote the letter and to whom?
Local government official Sent to National Convention in Paris

20 Document D 3. What is the purpose of the letter?
The writer is asking for more extreme measures for fighting the counter- revolutionaries

21 Document D 4. Is there any evidence that helps you measure the size of the revolt? Explain. Three thousand national guards needed to establish order 6 patriots and 40 counter- revolutionaries killed

22 Document D 5. How could you use this document to argue that the Reign of Terror was justified or not justified? Answers will vary. Credit if some sort of explanation is given

23 Document E 1. Is this a primary or secondary source? Secondary

24 Document E 2.What was the purpose of the Tribunal and how ere the judges chosen? To try all crimes against the state Judges chosen by the National Convention

25 Document E 3. What was the purpose of the watch committees? Find and get rid of foreigners suspected of counter- revolutionary activities

26 Document E 4. What sort of activities could get a person in trouble with the Committee of Public Safety Criticism spoken against the government

27 Document E 5. How many people were executed by commissions in the countryside? 35,000 – 40,000

28 Document E 6. Do you think the activities of the Tribunal and the Committee of Public Safety were justified? Answers will vary. Credit if some sort of explanation is given

29 Document F 1. What was the date of this event? January 21, 1793

30 Document F 2. Whose head is the executioner holding? Louis XVI

31 Document F 3. Where is the execution Paris City Center Town

32 4. Describe the crowd in attendance
Document F 4. Describe the crowd in attendance Cries of joy Arm in arm Laughing and chatting Like a festival 80, 000 armed men

33 Document F 5. How could you use this document to argue that the Reign of Terror was justified or not justified? Answers will vary. Credit if some sort of explanation is given

34 Document G 1. According to Robespierre, what are the goals of the war and the revolution. Lay foundations of democracy Peaceful reign of constitutional law

35 Document G 2. Who should the government protect, according to Robespierre? Peaceful citizens “republicans”

36 Document G 3. What does Robespierre mean by “internal” and “external” enemies of the Republic Internal: counter revolutionaries or royalists External: (Prussia and Austria) conspirators

37 Document G 4. What does Robespierre believe should be done to enemies of the republic “smother”: destroy, kill, get rid of

38 Document G 5. How could you use this document to argue that the Reign of Terror was justified or not justified? Answers will vary. Credit if some sort of explanation is given


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