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HDM-4 Future Directions

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1 HDM-4 Future Directions
PIARC HDM-4 Project 8 August 01 HDM-4 Future Directions Neil Robertson PIARC ISOHDM Project Coordinator

2 ISOHDM Business Plan

3 Vision for the ISOHDM ISOHDM world-wide recognised forum
will be a world-wide recognised forum for learning and sharing of best practice road management processes, procedures and management systems.

4 Goals of ISOHDM ISOHDM will promote
improvements in good practice in developing and managing road transport systems in all countries, by applying relevant knowledge, and appropriate decision support processes and products

5 ISOHDM Objectives Planning and implementing PIARC strategic goals needs and views of stakeholders known promote application of research products provide an international standard tool for best practice encourage and facilitate international cooperation

6 ISOHDM Products and Services
Knowledge Base: best practice procedures, experiences and research results HDM-4 software suite and associated data delivering PIARC strategic goals

7 ISOHDM Products and Services
May serve or support: Management systems Big picture planning framework Project level allocation Safety and environmental issues Asset management plans and techniques Application of asset management Accountability issues

8 ISOHDM Project Activities
Project management Products and services delivery Road management best practices Research and development Training and dissemination

9 The Way Forward to Version 2
Additional user requirements Improvements to HDM-4 Applications Improvements to technical models Software development environment

10 Additional User Requirements
User levels User interface improvements traffic data management enhancements simplified alternatives user interface advanced intervention editor post-improvement responsive maintenance new section improvements temporary exclusion of sections

11 Improvements to Applications
Budget scenario analysis Sensitivity and risk analysis Multi-criterion evaluation Post-project evaluation Asset valuation Improved configuration Calibration sets

12 Improvements to Technical Models
Flexibility in defining works standards Enhanced accident modelling RD model coefficients New improvement types Work zone modelling RD, WE and RUE model enhancement

13 Software Development Environment
Latest MS Windows standards Modular architecture with executable libraries New database technology Improved connectivity to external systems Enhanced import / export Improved result viewing and reporting Models in stand-alone tools (RD, WE, RUE) User interface performance

14 Implementation in 2001


16 Distribution of Regional Interests

17 Distribution of Industry Sector Interests

18 Implementation Growth of user information and services
HDM-4 Information Centre Training and dissemination activities User Group and SIG activities ISOHDM / user interactions publications

19 PIARC HDM-4 on the Web A source of:
PIARC HDM-4 Project 8 August 01 PIARC HDM-4 on the Web A source of: support information for HDM-4 users how to obtain the products training opportunities user feedback documents download facilities * New PR Web site under construction

20 Training Programs promoting T&D Strategies (country / regional)
Asia, Latin America, Africa promoting growth of local training and support services 65 training and dissemination events 31 countries Western & Eastern Europe, North Asia, Middle East, South and Central Africa, South Asia, South East Asia, Oceania, North and South America user information resources training materials local customisation data case studies distance learning activities

21 Training Achievements

22 Training Achievements

23 Regional User Groups Must be regionally managed, responding to local needs PIARC ISOHDM will provide support purpose - according to local needs sharing information Regional meetings local practice guides web site data sharing local self-help support circles coordinating calibration efforts assisting integration and transition efforts identifying R&D requirements coordinating interaction with ISOHDM Secretariat

24 User Support First contact user support Technical user support
PIARC HDM-4 Project 8 August 01 User Support First contact user support Technical user support User community support user group interactions user discussion list ( ) user meetings General information dissemination HDM-4 web site PIARC dissemination publications * Users will have access to a range of support services * REVEAL POINTS * EMPHASISE THE USER CLUB



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