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Ana Gigauri Assistant Professor, PhD Shorena Dzamukashvili

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1 Teaching English to Students with Learning Disabilities: Developing Writing Skills
Ana Gigauri Assistant Professor, PhD Shorena Dzamukashvili Associate Professor, PhD TBILISI 2017

2 DARE Project - research
Aim was to find out students learning needs and disabilities. Subjects of the study were the students of Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University. They were 519 in all. The questionnaire comprised 14 closed-ended and open-ended questions. 8,2 % of the respondents said that they have some kinds of special educational needs. Quite a large number of students claim that they have attention, reading, writing, arithmetic calculation, etc. problems/difficulties. It turned out that the most frequent problem is connected with writing.

3 LD students are characterized by difficulties in organizing and writing their ideas and thoughts. usually cannot successfully plan writing process and finally revise their papers. may possess vocabulary and grammatical constructions but they still fail to express themselves in writing. .

4 The reason of their failure …
disability of incorporating and using writing strategies in the process. !!! Consequently, students with learning disabilities are in need of finding and teaching appropriate writing strategies to improve their writing performance

5 Golley (2015) “teaching students with learning disabilities to use strategies to help them plan and organize their writing will help them become more effective writers and will enable them to clearly express their thoughts and ideas” (p. 20).

6 Classification of writing strategies
Chen (2011) distinguishes - pre-writing, writing, and revising. Graham, Bollinger, Booth Olson, D’Aoust, MacArthur, McCutchen and Olinghouse (2012) - planning, drafting, sharing, evaluating, revising/editing. El-Koumy (2016) - planning, writing, revising, and editing.

7 Graham et al. (2012) writing strategies:
At the planning stage learners may use POW strategy: Pick ideas (i.e., decide what to write about). Organize their notes (i.e., brainstorm and organize possible writing ideas into a writing plan). Write and say more (i.e., continue to modify the plan while writing)

8 Another strategy - “ordering ideas/outlining”.
Students should: Brainstorm/generate ideas for their paper. Decide which are main ideas and which are supporting ideas. Create an outline that shows the order of the main ideas and the supporting details for each main idea.

9 “Drafting” stage “Imitation” strategy:
“Select a sentence, paragraph, or text excerpt and imitate the author’s form” (p. 16). “Sentence generation” strategy: Try out sentences orally before writing them on paper; Try multiple sentences and choose the best one; Use transition words to develop different sentence structures; Practice writing good topic sentences.

10 “Sharing” stage Strategy - “Peer sharing”:
In pairs, listen and read along as the author reads aloud; Share feedback with their writing partner, starting with what they liked. Strategy - “Author’s Chair”: sit on a special chair in front of peers and read their writing.

11 “Evaluating” stage “Self-evaluating” strategy :
Ss. reread their paper and ask questions: “Are the ideas clear? Is there a clear beginning, middle, and end? Does the writing connect with the reader? Are sentence types varied?” “Self-monitoring” strategy: Ss answer the questions Did I meet the goals I developed for my writing? If not, what changes should I make to meet my goals? Did I correctly use strategies that were appropriate for this task? If not, what should I change? record their answers to self-assessment questions inform their teacher, when they meet their goals.

12 “Revising and editing” - stage
“Peer revising” strategy asks students to: “place a question mark (?) by anything they do not understand in their writing partner’s paper. Place a carat (^) anywhere it would be useful to have the author include more information” (p. 16). Strategy - “COPS” or editing: Learners answer the following questions: Did I Capitalize the first word in sentences and proper names? How is the Overall appearance of my paper? Did I use commas and end-of-sentence Punctuation? Did I Spell each word correctly?

13 Using demonstration/modeling while teaching writing skills.
Graham, et al. (2012): “teachers may need to model an entire strategy or parts of a strategy again before students can work independently” . El-Koumy (2016): Teachers modeling writing strategies “makes the invisible visible and the implicit explicit to the students” Ss with learning disabilities should be taught writing strategies together with genre specific strategies. “thinking aloud” by the teacher. In this way learners with learning disabilities have chance to see what they are expected to do on different stages of the writing process.

14 Conclusions & recommendations
Based on the results of the study it is necessary to identify these language learners. Universities should provide support system and services for these students. In modern world it is essential to develop writing skills while teaching English. students with learning disabilities are in need of finding and teaching appropriate writing strategies to improve their writing performance students with learning disabilities need “modening” to improve their writing performance


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