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Dynamic Feature Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) draft-singh-geopriv-pidf-lo-dynamic-00.txt Vishal K. Singh.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Feature Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) draft-singh-geopriv-pidf-lo-dynamic-00.txt Vishal K. Singh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Feature Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) draft-singh-geopriv-pidf-lo-dynamic-00.txt Vishal K. Singh Henning Schulzrinne Hannes Tschofenig IETF 67, San Diego

2 Requirements and Use Cases
Mechanism to indicate temporal features of entities Mechanism to track location of moving objects Use cases: location tracking fleet management monitoring safety of personnel Extends RFC 4119 with temporal feature elements

3 Dynamic Feature Elements
Based on GML’s dynamicFeature.xsd Speed Measure of the rate of motion Bearing Direction: compass point (e.g., "N", "NNE") type gml:DirectionPropertyType Acceleration The rate (usually rapid) at which something happens Elevation The height of an entity above a reference level; altitude

4 Example xmlns:temp="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:temporal1“
<presence xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf“ xmlns:gp=“urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:geopriv10” xmlns:temp="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:temporal1“ <tuple id="sg89ae"> <status> <gp:geopriv> <gp:location-info> <gml:location> ………… </gml:location> <temp:speed uom="#kph">12</temp:speed> <temp:bearing> <temp:CompassPoint>SE</temp:CompassPoint> </temp:bearing> </gp:location-info> <gp:usage-rules> ………… ………… ………… </gp:usage-rules> </gp:geopriv> </status> <timestamp> T20:57:29Z</timestamp> </tuple> </presence>

5 Protocol Behavior Indicating the use of dynamic feature in PIDF-LO
Indicating units of measure GML units to measure parameters

6 Multiple Moving Object Elements
Watchers may request to receive multiple location vector objects together Use of <timed-status> to transfer multiple location vector objects <tuple> <status> <gp:geopriv> </gp:geopriv> </status> <timestamp>.....</timestamp> <timed-status from="some time" until="some time"> <gp:geopriv> </gp:geopriv> <gp:geopriv> </gp:geopriv> </timed-status> </tuple> <tuple> </tuple>

7 Alternatives Considered
Could use <MovingObjectStatus> or its parent element <track> from GML’s dynamicFeature.xsd But… Backward compatibility problems OR <location> appears twice tuple 1 status geopriv 1 location-info movingobjectstatus location speed location-info geopriv 2 old system won’t find <location> duplicate <location> - mandatory below <movingobjectstatus> tuple 1 status geopriv 1 location-info location movingobjectstatus location speed geopriv 2

8 Open Issues How does watcher indicate support of dynamic feature in PIDF-LO? Proposals: list supported namespaces Accept: application/pidf+xml; supported="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:temporal1" register a token for each (set of) namespaces Accept: application/pidf+xml; supported="geopriv-temporal-features“ watcher filter

9 Next Steps Adopt this as WG draft Submit a new version
Close the open issues IANA considerations Revise the text

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