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Applied Mathematics.

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1 Applied Mathematics

2 Applied Mathematics Teachers: Stefano Maset (part A).
Agostino Mangini (part B).

3 Applied Mathematics Teachers: Stefano Maset (part A).
Agostino Mangini (part B). Part A: 60 hours. Statistics.

4 Applied Mathematics Teachers: Stefano Maset (part A).
Agostino Mangini (part B). Part A: 60 hours Statistics. Part B: 20 hours. Operations research: models and methods for logistic.

5 Examination: Part A: written part followed by oral part. Part B: written exam. Final mark = upper integer part of 0.7*part A+0.3*part B.

6 Examination: Part A: written part followed by oral part. Part B: written exam. Final mark = upper integer part of 0.7*part A+0.3*part B. Timetable: Part A: Monday 2:30-5:15 PM (with 15 min break) and Friday 9:10-11 AM (with 10 min break). Part B: to be communicated (Tuesday and Wednesday, not in the next three weeks).

7 Examination: Part A: written part followed by oral part. Part B: written exam. Final mark = upper integer part of 0.7*part A+0.3*part B. Timetable: Part A: Monday 2:30-5:15 PM (with 15 min break) and Friday 9:10-11 AM (with 10 min break). Part B: to be communicated (Tuesday and Wednesday, not in the next three weeks). Textbooks: Part A: Lecture notes of the course on moodle2. Introductory Statistics, Third Edition, Sheldon Ross, Elsevier Part B: to be communicated.

8 Office hours: Part A: Monday after the lesson or by appointment. Part B: to be communicated.

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