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Dr Simon Pratt-Adams and Mark Warnes Anglia Learning & Teaching

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Simon Pratt-Adams and Mark Warnes Anglia Learning & Teaching"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the impact of a Pedagogic Research (PedRes) Directory in one UK HE Institution?
Dr Simon Pratt-Adams and Mark Warnes Anglia Learning & Teaching Anglia Ruskin University

2 Background and Context

3 Pedagogic Research Community

4 Writing Retreat

5 Pedagogic Research Directory
102 Resources 93 Contributors 42 Journals

6 Capturing Excellent Teaching

7 Pedagogic Research Journals

8 Evaluation Project Mixed methods Quantitative
Attendees and Subscribers Web analytics Qualitative Interviews

9 Findings - Quantitative

10 Findings – Quantitative (April)

11 Findings – Quantitative (May)

12 Findings - Qualitative
Users were generally positive Useful additional means of disseminating work Can find publications on chosen topic Can find like-minded colleagues (cross-faculty collaboration) Useful list of pedagogic journals Would like to see journals cross-referenced to existing publications

13 Discussion Teaching-research nexus Shares excellent practice
Builds community network across institution Develops new knowledge

14 Next Steps Continue to develop the community and the website
Continue to monitor usage and seek user feedback Add and update contributors Add and update links to publications

15 Thank you!

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