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Orienteering in Sporting Schools Program

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1 Orienteering in Sporting Schools Program
32 sports in the ASC Sporting Schools program Orienteering is in the lowest Category D sport (11 sports in this category) End of 2015 orienteering ranked high within Category D for number of programs End of 2016, the number of orienteering programs has not increased term by term – about 2% of participating schools and school programs, and 3% of participants Nearly 11,000 participants and more than 52,000 participations in 2016 152 teachers accredited at Level 0 standard

2 2016 Developments New booking system implemented on the SS website in Term 4 allowing schools with funding approval to order sports packs. This was run in parallel with the existing system of coordinating programs (Google Docs) Implications for sports – NSOs with a national product could create packages with consistent content, consistent pricing and consistent professional development and resources have fewer packages on offer to schools Implication for orienteering – A minority sport with different content from each state, different professional development in each state, and different pricing models for each state. In Term 4, the Orienteering Victoria pricing model was adopted nationally but has not been implemented nationally. There has been vocal opposition to perceived high admin costs.

3 OA response to new booking system
Initial creation of packages for term 4 was an attempt to create packs that were inclusive of all content and pricing models used by the states Feedback from the states and on-going discussions led to a consensus of preferred packages which were presented to Sporting Schools The preferred packages were rejected as the SS system cannot currently accommodate itemised packages Another set of packages created for Term that accommodated the Sporting Schools system limitations. They also incorporated the financial model used by Orienteering Victoria

4 2016 orienteering stats from Sporting Schools
ASC 2016 SNAPSHOTS Program requests # Total Programs # Programs by endorsed coach # Programs by Teacher Total Participants Total Participations 2016 Term 4 (incomplete) 30 24 2016 Term 3 80 51 39 13 2099 10971 2016 Term 2 79 72 37 14 2070 2016 Term 1 76 34 18 8 1175 2016 TOTAL 263 180 ASC SNAPSHOTS Program requests # Total Programs # Programs by endorsed coach # Programs by Teacher Total Participants Total Participations 2015 Term 4 68 69 45 14 2275 2015 TOTAL

5 2016 orienteering stats from OA
OA TOTAL 2016 ACT NSW NT Qld SA Tas Vic WA TOTAL Programs with coach 20 42 19 9 12 30 6 138 Programs with teacher 7 4 11 Participants 2346 3347 970 615 1244 2101 275 10898 Participations 11065 17992 6868 (2500) 4779 6451 2420 52075 Teachers accredited 57 68 41 17 152 Coaches accredited 13

6 Orienteers as coaches in schools
Small pool of accredited, available coaches in the right area Full day of orienteering classes is physically demanding Younger coaches who will do full days are not prepared to continue long term for the money available Orienteers prepared to assist in gala days or ad hoc coaching are not as keen to take a school class on their own Scholars from overseas are being used in Sporting Schools programs

7 ASC Market Insights Report
Teachers value: Sport aligned to school priorities (including AC:HPE curriculum) Products and resources that assist with planning & delivery of AC:HPE PD for generalist teachers to improve capability of teachers to deliver quality sport lessons Streamlined approach to sport delivery to ensure quality & consistency Collaboration with schools to increase use of facilities to improve participation

8 ASC Market Insights Report – tailoring products for schools
Mapping a resource to the Australian curriculum Aligning a resource to the Australian curriculum Process to determine how a resource meets curriculum requirements Explicit connection in the resource dictates what to teach, how the student should learn it, and how to know if student has learnt it Enables teachers to make their own connection of how the activities link to curriculum content Increases the resources role and relevance in schools, by direct connection to the AC:HPE student learning outcomes and priorities Faster process than alignment, so that resources can be delivered to market quickly The resource becomes more teacher friendly, so that both HPE and generalist teachers can use the resource confidently Simpler process than alignment, where no significant changes to the resource are made

9 Professional Development (Level 0 Community Coach)
Length of course Cost Notes ACT 1 $300 2 $400 NSW 6 $165 DoE ($231 Non-Doe) Partnership with NSW SSU BOSTES accredited In planning NT On request QLD 4 $66 each SA TAS VIC 1.5 $350 for 4 and $50 for each extra teacher Partnership with ACHPER WA Half day $120

10 Example of aligned resource: OK-GO Kit
Benefits: NSW BOSTES-accredited educational resource Aligned to the Australian curriculum Explicitly outlines what to teach and student learning outcomes Both HPE and generalist teachers can use the resource confidently Needs to be addressed: Not inclusive of input from coaches outside NSW, or even of all coaches in NSW Designed as an educational resource for teachers, so not readily understood by orienteers Designed for BOSTES which is not readily understood outside NSW Limited to Yrs 3 – 6

11 Summary The current system of implementing Sporting Schools programs using the existing pool of orienteers is limited by low numbers of available and willing coaches The material used by coaches varies from state to state, and even within states, and is therefore difficult to package nationally The education resources used in orienteering workshops varies from state to state, and is therefore difficult to package nationally as there is no clear consistent message The Sporting Schools program is ready for nationally aligned educational resources for teacher’s professional development

12 Recommendations There needs to be a collaborative effort nationally, led by OA, to create an aligned, educational resource for Sporting Schools that meets the requirements of all the various state education departments The Sporting Schools coordinators in all the states, and the coaches and development officers need to be educated in the new educational resource to provide teacher support There needs to be a collaborative effort nationally, led by OA, to create an agreed coaching curriculum specifically for Sporting Schools

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