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COS Standard 3 Trace the chronology of events leading to the American Revolution including the French and Indian War, passage of the Stamp Act, the Boston.

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Presentation on theme: "COS Standard 3 Trace the chronology of events leading to the American Revolution including the French and Indian War, passage of the Stamp Act, the Boston."— Presentation transcript:

1 COS Standard 3 Trace the chronology of events leading to the American Revolution including the French and Indian War, passage of the Stamp Act, the Boston Tea Party, the Boston Massacre, passage of the Intolerable Acts, the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the publican of Common Sense and the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

2 Explaining the role of key revolutionary leaders, including George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, Crispus Attucks, and Marquis de Lafayette as well as explaining the significance of revolutionary battles, including Bunker Hill, Trenton, Saratoga, and Yorktown Chapter 4

3 George Washington Fought in the French and Indian War as well as the American Revolution 2nd Continental Congress appoints Commander in Chief of the Continental Army Revolutionary War: His troops were poorly trained and lacked food, ammunition and other supplies Mount Vernon- name of his home/farm

4 Mount Vernon

5 John Adams Lawyer from Massachusetts
Helps write the Declaration of Independence The purpose of government is, “the greatest quantity of human happiness Helped draft the Treaty of Paris1783 Diplomat to France and Holland 2nd President of the U.S.

6 Thomas Jefferson Governor of Virginia during the American Revolution
Central role in drafting the Declaration of Independence Served as a diplomat to France First secretary of state, 2nd Vice President, 3rd President

7 Patrick Henry Virginia lawyer and politician Governor of Virginia
Led opposition to the Stamp Act of 1765 and Townshend Acts “Give me liberty or give me death.”-Speech to the Virginia Assembly Opposed the Constitution as a threat to the liberties of the people and the rights of the states

8 Samuel Adams Second cousin to John Adams
Organizer of the Boston Sons of Liberty Coordinated Boston’s resistance to the Tea Act Actively protests and boycotts

9 Paul Revere Artesian- Silversmith Apart of the Boston Tea Party
Along with William Dawes, warned the colonists that the British were coming to Lexington-1775

10 Crispus Attucks Sailor First colonist who died in the Boston Massacre
Revolutionary Martyr

11 Marquis de Lafayette French commander who helped Washington’s troops train at Valley Forge Increase morale and discipline in American troops Valley Forge: camp for soldiers during harsh winter (1777)

12 Loyalists and Patriots
Loyalists were people who were loyal to the kings of England, wanted British laws upheld Examples: government officials, prominent merchants, landowners and some farmers Also known as Tories Patriots thought the British were tyrants Also known as Whigs Examples: artisans, farmers, merchants, planters, lawyers and urban workers. Some Americans did not support either

13 Battle of Bunker Hill June 17th, 1775
British wanted to keep control of Boston for its valuable sea ports Fighting took place on Breeds Hill Lacked ammunition Untrained colonists stood up against Britain William Prescott said “Don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.” British win but with heavy causalities Morale booster of American rebels

14 Battle of Bunker Hill

15 Battle of Trenton December 25, 1776
Surrounds group of Hessian mercenaries located across the Delaware River occupying the city of Trenton Hessians- German soldiers paid by the British government to fight Before- Washington’s troops were tired, weary, and ready to give up with a cold winter setting in After- An American victory rejuvenated Washington's forces at a much needed time

16 Battle of Trenton

17 Battle of Trenton

18 Battles of Saratoga 1777, New York
General Burgoyne (British) wanted to divide the colonies in half along the Hudson River Splits his army in half The Battle of Freeman’s Farm (First battle of Saratoga) Sept. 19,1777/ British suffer 600 casualties The Battle of Bemis Heights- Oct. 7, 1777 Americans retreated from Freeman’s farm to Bemis Heights were the British would loose having nearly 600 casualties Turning point of the American Revolution Improves American Morale Convinces France to aid America with troops and supplies needed to defeat the British

19 Battle of Saratoga

20 Battle of Yorktown 1781 Articles of Capitulation- surrender of the British to American forces. Last major battle of the American Revolution American and French troops surround Yorktown Cornwallis surrenders to Washington Leads to the Treaty of Paris 1783

21 Battle of Yorktown

22 Treaty of Paris 1783 Treaty that ended the American Revolution
September 3, 1783 Britain must recognize US as a new nation with the Mississippi River as the western border Britain gave Florida to Spain France receives colonies in Africa and the Caribbean

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