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Bikes for Hire in Oxford, UK

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1 Bikes for Hire in Oxford, UK

2 Bainton Bikes Summertown Cycles
“All of our hire bikes come with lights, locks, map and free breakdown and mechanical support. Student discounts available for anyone with a valid full time student card.” Facebook Summertown Cycles “Summertown Cycles and its twin shop, Bike Zone operate Oxford's leading cycle stores from two great locations - City Centre and North Oxford/Summertown.” Facebook

3 Oxford Bike HIre Cycle Centre
“We deliver bikes all over Oxford and the surrounding areas. We can meet you at the station the Park and Ride, your hotel, your house or anywhere else you like! We'll aim to have your bikes with you within 30 minutes of receiving your call!” Website Cycle Centre “These bikes and the people who ride them are part of a greater incentive! For every 2 sold by Kona, a 3rd will be sent to community workers in sub-Saharan Africa.” Website

4 Cycloanalysts Walton Street Cycles
“We undertake all forms of cyclo-therapy, perform cyclo-analysis and are experts in cyclology! Sales, repairs, servicing as well as cycle hire are all hosted under one roof and served to you with a smile every time.” Website Walton Street Cycles “These bikes and the people who ride them are part of a greater incentive! For every 2 sold by Kona, a 3rd will be sent to community workers in sub-Saharan Africa.” Facebook

5 Tips for Cycling in Oxford
Step 1 Book a place on a guided cycling tour of Oxford and Oxfordshire if you are not comfortable with charting your own course through town or the English countryside. Tour companies include Bainton Bikes and Capital Sport. These tours often include bike rental. If you choose this option, skip all other steps. Step 2 Rent (or as the British say, hire) a bicycle. A number of shops in Oxford, such as Bainton Bikes or BikeZone, have rental bikes available. Rent a bike for a specific trip or for your entire stay in Oxford. Renting or purchasing a cycling helmet is recommended but not required in the United Kingdom. Step 3 Download the Oxford and Oxfordshire Cycling Routes Map from the Oxfordshire Council website and use other cyclist resources such as to select your route. You could use the Oxfordshire Way to plot a one-way course out to the picturesque Cotswolds Hills or chart a loop encompassing the famed Uffington White Horse chalk figure. Step 4 Ride your bike on designated bike paths as much as possible and avoid sidewalks as much as you can. British law regarding where you can and cannot ride your bike is as confusing as the terms used to differentiate between roads and sidewalks (footpaths, pavements, footways and highways, just to name four), but as a rule you should never be on a sidewalk. - Via USA Today

6 Oxford Bike Paths

7 London Bike Paths http://www. cyclelifestyle. co. uk/index. php

8 Click here for my interactive map to see bike shop locations.

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