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Niagara River Area of Concern

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1 Niagara River Area of Concern
Status Update November 3, 2016

2 Beneficial Use Impairments
Current Target Removal Year 1 Restrictions on Fish and Wildlife Consumption 2022 3 Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations 4 Fish Tumors or Other Deformities Removed 5 Bird or Animal Deformities or Reproductive Problems 6 Degradation of Benthos 2021 7 Restrictions on Dredging Activities 2018 14 Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat

3 Restrictions on Fish and Wildlife Consumption
BUI removal will be possible when upper Niagara River fish consumption advisories are identical to those for Lake Erie Periodic sampling and analysis of fish is needed Year funding will be requested Estimated amount of funding Project name and expected technical lead organization 2018 $550,000 Assessment of Contaminant Residues in Fish; USGS 2021

4 Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations
Various studies and monitoring efforts are ongoing BUI removal will depend on implementation of habitat projects and continued reductions in contaminant levels Next steps may include consideration of changes to removal criteria, primarily the criterion calling for improving trends in the community structure of native mollusk populations Year funding will be requested Estimated amount of funding Project name and expected technical lead organization 2018 $100,000 Mollusk community structure study; lead to be determined

5 Bird or Animal Deformities or Reproductive Problems
Recent data (mink study) indicates that this impairment continues to exist BUI removal will depend on continued reductions in contaminant levels Next steps may include comparing the contributions of AOC vs. non-AOC sources to levels of contaminants associated with deformities Year funding will be requested Estimated amount of funding Project name and expected technical lead organization 2020 $100,000 Re-evaluation of mink; NYSDEC

6 Summary of Fish and Wildlife Assessments
Year funding will be requested Estimated amount of funding Project name and expected technical lead organization Related BUI 2018 $550,000 Assessment of Contaminant Residues in Fish; USGS Restrictions on Fish and Wildlife Consumption $100,000 Mollusk community structure study; lead to be determined Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations 2020 Re-evaluation of mink; NYSDEC Bird or Animal Deformities or Reproductive Problems 2021

7 Sediment – Recent Progress
Sampling for the tributary screening assessment occurred in June USGS and NYSDEC report on toxicity of sediment in the AOC and tributaries. Sediment in Scajaquada and Two Mile Creeks showed toxicity. NYSDEC, EPA, USGS and USACE are working to develop a sediment evaluation strategy Updates are expected to removal criteria for sediment- related BUIs

8 Sediment – Next Steps In general, continue to advance sediment characterization and remediation. Complete the analysis of macroinvertebrate community data from the 2014 and 2015 sampling. NYSDEC will prepare a report on the sediment screening assessment in Niagara River tributaries. USACE may conduct probing this year to identify areas of soft sediment for later sampling. USACE may also collect surface sediment samples in limited areas as a pilot project to assist in developing a comprehensive sediment evaluation strategy.

9 Sediment – Funding Needs
Funding of sediment evaluation is a high priority. Continuing funding is needed to meet target removal dates for multiple BUIs. Year funding will be requested Estimated amount of funding Project name and expected technical lead organization 2018 $1,500,000 Coordinated evaluation of sediment chemistry and benthos; USEPA/USACE/NYSDEC/USGS 2019 Coordinated evaluation of sediment chemistry and benthos (continued); USEPA/USACE/NYSDEC/USGS 2020

10 Habitat – Recent Progress
Initial feasibility studies completed for seven potential Habitat Plan projects Six “no regrets” projects selected for the Habitat Plan – located around Grand Island, projects will protect and expand coastal wetland habitat EPA has funded designs for five of the six projects USACE is beginning initial feasibility studies for eight additional potential Habitat Plan projects

11 Habitat – Funding Needs
Year funding will be requested Estimated amount of funding Project name and expected technical lead organization 2018 $1,500,000 Design of remaining Habitat Plan projects; lead to be determined $1,000,000 Spicer Creek construction; lead to be determined Grass Island construction; lead to be determined $3,500,000 Buckhorn Island State Park construction; lead to be determined 2018 or 2019 East River Marsh Extension construction; lead to be determined $1,100,000 Burnt Ship Creek construction; lead to be determined 2019 – 2020 $6,000,000 Construction of remaining Habitat Plan projects; lead to be determined

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