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Research for final task

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1 Research for final task

2 questionnaire

3 Questionnaire

4 Questionnaire

5 Audience analysis From the questionnaire’s results the age group of which consists of young adolescents tend to prefer films with a kind of horror opening to it also it ties into the murder kind of film to add suspense and if the plot is good the audience would most likely be able to watch it also. Films that build suspense at the opening such as Jaws is good example of this idea, because it later adds plot to the film if it leads with blood boiling music and nice dark scene Audience also prefer actors they already know in the specific genre

6 Notes on film openings JAWS
Dark scene and birds chirping in the background Pipe starts to play slowly, then shows the ocean lighting in the dark Titles and text start showing Music increases showing suspense Then goes off to a camp fire scene, building suspense, suspense music seases Shows a crowd of people no main character is recognized Zooms out to show that campfire is near the ocean

7 Notes on film openings TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE
Shows two teens going out to swim in the ocean at the dark When teens start to swim it shown as if from an animals POV, suspense music starts back up Teen is frantically screaming in the water and yelling and then the scene goes quiet Then showing an early morning scene with the radio in the background. TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Starts with a kind of biography of the film Then starts with black screen and a kind of buzzer soung going off

8 Notes on film openings Shows date on black screen
Foot prints in the background as a diegetic sound Black screen with a kind of buzzer sound going off with flashes of dead mauled bodies Shows mauled body parts with buzzer sound still going on, hear heavy breathing, Radio report going on about dead bodies found on a morgue by a cemetery Shows two dead bodies Police report is still going, while titles flash on the screen Police report fades as a dead rodent is shown on the road

9 Notes on film openings ELOISE
Starts off with a black screen that then fades into a dark room Text rolls in showing background of the film, fast pacing horror music is in the background As text rolls up and is out shows a picture of a man on a table and 4 people surrounding the table Picture plays ( in Dark lighting )as the men on the table is saying he is alright while music is playing in the background A Man comes in and the man on the table is saying that he is fine, seems to be fear in his voice as he speaks And then the man in the table starts frantically saying he is fine

10 Notes on film openings The doctor nods at all the other people in the room while music is still playing in the background The man on the table is forcefully lowered down , then electrocuted by the mouth Scene then goes all black rolling on with titles Then multiple radio reports go into the background about a fire than pictures are being shown while suspension music is rising up

11 Conclusion-film opening
I have realized that all three of the films have 2 different film and interesting film openings. With Jaws first showing a glimpse of the plot but then subsiding into a camp fire showing teenagers but showing the teens going into the water at night build suspense because of the previous scene of the ocean. Also when the teen is fanatically screaming and yelling also adds plot. With The Texas Chain Saw Massacre with first giving off the biography but then giving the police report which is kind of similar to Eloise but then the film Texas Chain Saw Massacre talks about murders and about different places dead people have wound up and also the how the morgue was broken into and then showing the dead rodent on the road With Eloise also giving the background but first showing a kind of picture in the background and when the info is done rolling the picture plays onto a scene and then starts giving police reports of a fire that has killed a bunch of people and also with the Doctor trying a dozen of grueling experiments

12 Film(s) that have influenced me
The main film that has inspired me is JAWS The main reason is because the way the movie starts out with the ‘killer’ in the very beginning but then going off to a very neutral or happy scene which tends to lead suspense because it shows of what is happening at the very moment but then cutting into a new scene. So I have decided to use that idea of showing the antagonist for a few seconds and then showing a different scene to later build suspense into the film and show the scene of what the antagonist has done or what damage has been done

13 Which film company would produce our film
Film companies that would have featured my film is Blumhouse which has produced many popular horror films such as ouiji board and paranormal activity and curve. So it has experience of horror films and is well known across movie theaters so it will not be a problem for distribution. Also there might be many other horror fanatics that might know the company and want to watch a film produced by this company so there would be no problem with popularity of the film also.

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