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Halloween What is Halloween? Why do we celebrate Halloween

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Presentation on theme: "Halloween What is Halloween? Why do we celebrate Halloween"— Presentation transcript:

1 Halloween What is Halloween? Why do we celebrate Halloween
What do people dress up as? what are the alternatives to Halloween? Pictures Credits.

2 What is Halloween? Halloween is an annual holiday which is held on October 31, which commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns (pumpkins that have carved faces and candles in them,) apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.

3 Why do we celebrate Halloween
The Celtics would light bonfires and where costumes to scare or ghosts that were believed to roam around on that night. But in the eighth century all saints day was made on November the 1st to honor saints & martyrs so the day before was known as all Hallows eve or later changed to Halloween.

4 What do people dress up as?
People dress up as: Goblins, Wizards/Witches, Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, ghost, ghouls, fairies, Frankenstein etc.

5 What are alternatives to Halloween?
Some people who don’t celebrate Halloween have party's like the light party. The light party is made for preschool to primary school students to celebrate the good things in life like friends and family. They have games, a bouncy castle, disco etc.

6 Director: James Ford Producer: James ford Facts by: Different websites Special thanks to: Microsoft power point

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