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1 what (Irish) womenwant womenwant Laura Chaibi, Director of Research EMEA, December 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "1 what (Irish) womenwant womenwant Laura Chaibi, Director of Research EMEA, December 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 what (Irish) womenwant womenwant Laura Chaibi, Director of Research EMEA, December 2010

2 Source: comScore September 2010, Ireland 70k people

3 3 years listening

4 Gender & Age Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010. Fieldwork May 2010 in EU6: UK, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, Germany. Ireland Base: 1357; (m) 608, (f) 750 19,000 people surveyed across EU6 Ireland: 1357ages: 16-54 29% 35-44 32% 25-34 20% 16-24 19% 45-54 45% men 55% women weighted

5 Dublin region 12% key areas covered Ulster 6% Connaught 13% Munster 30% Leinster 51% Dublin 16% Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010. Fieldwork May 2010 in EU6: UK, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, Germany. Ireland Base: 1357; (m) 608, (f) 750

6 under 3s 4-11s 12+ under 3s 4-11s 12+ single V coupled single V coupled 16-24 v other ages 16-24 v other ages working V not working working V not working kids relationship age work influence Yahoo! What women want September 2010,

7 kids under 3 (12%) Lifestage Profile kids 4-11 (21%)kids 12+ (24%) young & single (25%)planning a baby (14%)women no kids (57%) Working mums = 58% working mums (25%)new mums to be (9%)working mums/child <3 (6%) life stage profiles Yahoo! What women want September 2010, sample 750

8 \ 8-11 12-15 16+ <1 1-3 4-7 how old are the kids?? 47% women have kids Yahoo! What women want September 2010, sample 750 9% 22% 33% 23% 33% 28%

9 Change Job Pay off debt Renovate Buy a car Buy a home Get pregnant 29% 28% 13% 14% 41% what women want next 12-18 months Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010.Ireland Base women: 750

10 10 43% younger mums with under 3s less than few hours / weekday to relax Index 225 21% mums with under 3s NO free time on weekdays index 277 47% mums with under 3s steal moments to relax index 177 77% mums with 4-11s evening - best chance to relax index 106 relaxation reality

11 67% women want trusted sources estate agent shop assist. 78% 34% 19% 5% 69% Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010.Ireland Base women: 750

12 women trust their local expert most Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010.Ireland Base women: 750 82% trust chemist

13 food & drink financial health parenting relationship technology fashion beauty fashion beauty food & drink C3. which sources credible when looking for the following topics online? Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010.Ireland Base women: 750 Top 3 categories per information source topics define online trusted source citizen commentators professionals relevant brands celeb experts food & drink

14 label readers read the fine print / labels of ingredients /foods that I buy even the fine print matters 6/10 Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010, sample 750 females

15 5.5. stress 1 everyday cost of living 2 body image / weight 3 job / career 4 health issue women specific 7 personal finance 8 relationship love 9 work / life balance 10 kids health 6 personal appearance 61% women planning a baby 49% married 16-24 year old women 49% 25-44 year old childless women 52% women planning a baby 41% mums with kids under 3s 40% 16-24s without kids 42% fathers under age 35 39% 16 – 24s without kids 42% fathers under age 35 62% mums with kids under 3 top 10: concerns and worries

16 brand connections: for better & worse Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010.Ireland Base all respondents: 1357 B2/F2. Please indicate to what extent each statement describes your opinion. Thinking about the last few times you visited a social networking site, what did you do? Internet best way to connect with brands that matter 39% become fan of a brand 33% create groups for brand : boycott a brand 1:1

17 women want (& do) the 3 Cs online Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010.Ireland Base women: 750 D2. Which of the following have you used the Internet for in the last 4 weeks? communication 85% consumption creation 51% 91% 87% 59%

18 women want entertainment most Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010.Ireland Base women: 750 D1. Which of the following topics have you researched on the Internet in the last 4 weeks? entertainment (cinema, theatre, events) Consumption Fashion/clothing54% Food/drink (recipes)44% Health/well-being42% Employment/jobs38% Shopping (groceries)33% Health/beauty 33% Home/garden 28% Love/relationships17% Family and parenting17% Gambling5% 64%

19 lifestyle wants: many routes to market Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010.Ireland Base women: 750 I6. Which of the following types of content do you think are the most important on a Lifestyle website? Select your top 5 Health & Fitness 53% Fashion 40% Beauty 36% Love & Sex 35% Food & Entertainment 33% Family & Parenting 29% Shopping 28% Food & Drink 28% Home & Garden 27% Work/Career22% Seasonal 21% Horoscopes 19% Quizzes & Puzzles17% Finance 15% Pets 14% Crafts & Hobbies 12% Weddings 6% Consumption

20 online hooks … bargains still the big hook women want

21 Communication personal contacts business contacts 13674 Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010.Ireland Base women: 534 F1. Social networks visited. F3. How many friends/contacts do you have on your social networking sites? women are connected 95% 9% 6%

22 women connected on the go Base: 749/516, E1. Thinking about the devices/gadgets you own, which do you use to access the Internet regularly? Fib. What sites? 22% connect on the go with a mobile, blackberry or i-phone women need Internet access wherever they are 22%

23 creation citizen commentators and creators 16% create or share content online 29% read / contribute to blog 41% stored / shared digital photos 4% create a group for a brand Yahoo! What women want September 2010, sample 531 females

24 new mums: surrogate socialisers 66% Yahoo! What women Want, September 2010. D5. Since having a family, do you feel that any of the following has happened to your behaviour online? 45% 42% use internet more for help & advice shop online more feel Internet helps social life more

25 Over 3 in 5 of those with wireless access Internet in bed Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010.Ireland Base women: 750. D7. In which rooms have you accessed the Internet at home during the last month? Base: all respondents 1357 75% living room 63% bedroom 51% kitchen 32% dining room 20% garden 9% bathroom 7% playroom no room is sacred from the internet

26 26 62% women best way to keep in touch with the world 47% mums to be internet best @ connecting with brands 50% working mums internet on the go is important 27% mums with kids 4-11 play online games to relax 44% mums planning next baby use internet for baby help/advice internet brands mobile online games help fast finishing facts

27 What women want Yahoo! What women want Sept 2010.Ireland Base women: 749

28 questions? feedback?

29 thanks For further information please contact: Helen Beecher Sales Manager Ireland thanks For further information please contact: Helen Beecher Sales Manager Ireland Laura Chaibi, Director of Research and Insights, EMEA & GST outreach,

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