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Presentation on theme: "Archetypes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archetypes

2 Creative: artistically drive; thrive on originality, romance and expressing through five senses
In the Light: The Artist The Chef The Child The Poet The Novelist The Romantic In the Shadow: The Perfectionist The Copycat

3 Athlete: physically driven; thrive on anything related to health and body
In the Light: The Outdoorsman The Dancer The Tomboy In the Shadow The Cheater The Bully

4 Rebel: freedom-driven; thrive on wild and uncensored behavior
In the Light: The Warrior The Hedonist The Don Juan The Femme Fatale The Wild Man/The Wild Woman In The Shadow: The Criminal The Saboteur The Fighter

5 The Caregiver: relationship-driven; thrive on caring and nurturing
In The Light: The Teacher The Parent The Rescuer The BFF The Mentor The Nurse In The Shadow: The Victim The Codependent

6 Visionary: idea-driven; thrive on hyperfocus and intuition
In The Light: The Designer The Futurist The Entrepreneur The Director The Strategist The Intuitive The Detective In The Shadow: The Gambler The Hermit

7 Royal: power driven; thrive on control, entitlement and luxury
In The Light: The Networker The Princess/Heiress The Executive The Prince/Heir The Midas The Diva The Boss The King The Queen The Politician In The Shadow: The Vampire The Bully The Brat The Destroyer The Thief

8 Performer: attention-driven; thrive on entertaining and eccentricity
In the Light: The Clown The Spellcaster The Magician The Actor The Entertainer The Eccentric The Storyteller In The Shadow: The Trickster The Provocateur The Gossip The Pretender The Seducer The Fool

9 Spiritual: belief-driven; thrive on prayer and seeking
In The Light: The Celibate Religious Servant The Missionary The Mystic The Samaritan The Guru The Disciple The Angels The Saint The Disciple In The Shadow: The Demigogue The Martyr

10 Tastemaker: aesthetically-driven; thrive on trends, decor and fashion
In The Light: The Gentleman The Fashionista The Metrosexual The Goddess In the Shadow: The Addict The Snob

11 Explorer: discovery-driven; thrive on adventure and travel
In The Light: The Wanderer The Pioneer The Discoverer The Adventurer The Traveler The Seeker The Individualist In The Shadow: The Escapist The Novelty-Seeker

12 Advocate: cause-driven; thrive on social and environmental responsibility
In The Light: The Hero The Environmentalist The Crusader The Vegan The Lawyer The Feminist The Human Rights Advocate In The Shadow: The Obsessive The Opinionator The Hactivist The Anarchist

13 The Intellectual: data-driven; thrive on thinking and learning
In The Light: The Sage The Scholar/Student The Crone The Geek The Seeker The Scientist The Philosopher The Theologian The Judge The Inventor In The Shadow: The Know-it-All The Liar The Misanthrope

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