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Ms. Deming’s Weekly Newsletter Last Week’s Happenings…

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1 Ms. Deming’s Weekly Newsletter Last Week’s Happenings…
August 30, 2015 We have had a wonderful first week back in Ms. Deming’s Class! We spent the week getting to know our classmates and teachers, getting used to a daily schedule, and learning the procedures that we will use each day. Take a look at some highlights from last week and what we will be doing this week. Last Week’s Happenings… I AM Poems The students I Am posters turned out great! VROOOM! The students were given a piece of paper, 4 popsicle sticks, and 2 pieces of tape. The students had to create a barrier to try and stop the car from falling off the table Paideia Seminar We did our first seminar last week on the song “Firework” by Katy Perry. It was a bit challenging for students to have a student led discussion. Teamwork! Students worked in teams to see who could stack a cup pyramid using only rubber bands and string. Goal Setting For 1st quarter students created personal, academic, behavior, and social goals! Treasured Work Student Interviews Students conducted interviews with each other in order to get to know each other!

2 Important Information and Reminders
Happening This Week… Math This week students will be introduced to their first math unit: Place Value. Students have taken a Pre-Test to determine what they already know about place value, as well as what they need to know. I will use this pre-test data to form small groups to ensure that student’s are being challenged rather than being taught something they already know. Students will learn rounding, comparing and ordering numbers, expanded form, word and standard form, and more! Reading This week we will learn how to become an engaged independent reader during workshop. We will learn how to ignore distractions while reading. We will learn how to choose Just Right books, as well as how to use Sticky Notes to jot down our reading thoughts. We will go over a rubric that we will be using throughout the year to grade our best sticky note jots. Students will also be given their reading logs! Writing This week students will be given a baseline assessment to assess their writing skills. This assessment will be used as a growth measurement at the end of the year. Students will also be decorating their Writer’s Notebooks in class in order to personalize their writing journals. They will be asked to send in pictures, magazine cut outs, stickers, etc. to help them personalize it. Science- Students will be introduced to steps and tools that scientists use by conducting our first science experiment! Hint Hint: GUMMY BEARS ARE INVOLVED- YUMMMM! Social Studies- Students will be learning about past and present communities, and discuss how things have changed over time as well as factors that brought about those changes. Dates to know… -9/7 Labor Day: NO SCHOOL!  -9/8 Curriculum Night: More information will be sent home about this in your child’s Take Home folder. Notes from Ms. Deming  -Your child will come home with their at home and school reading log on Monday. They should record all at home and school reading in this. Please sign their reading log each night indicating that they have done the assigned reading homework. -Please make sure your are checking your child’s blue Take Home folder EACH NIGHT. In there you will see your child’s “Debit/Credit” log. We use this to keep track of your child’s behavior. Please sign it each night. Of course, me if you have any questions or concerns. -Each child now has an agenda. We will be using this each day to record our homework and reminders. Please sign this each night as well.  Important Information and Reminders Our Wish List **This will be in the newsletter each week with any items that we need in the classroom. If you would like to help out, please send the item into school with your child.** -Soccer Ball

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