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Physics at future HEP colliders
LIA F-J+K-PPL Bordeaux May 27, 2013 Dirk Zerwas LAL Orsay Introduction Higgs BSM Top Conclusions
Introduction The event:
prediction of the Higgs boson (Brout, Englert, Higgs) in the 1960s discovery of the Higgs boson by ATLAS and CMS in 2012 Good news: observation of a new particle Better news: opportunity to study new particle
Future colliders HL-LHC and ILC shorter time scale + P5 report + Jacques Martineau + Nicolas Alamanos) longer timescale CLIC newer proposals: FCC and TLEP Type s ∫Ldt HL-LHC pp 14TeV 3000fb-1 ILC e+e- 90GeV-1TeV 250fb-1 – 1000fb-1 CLIC 3TeV 500fb fb-1 FCC 100TeV TLEP 90GeV-350GeV 10000fb-1 – 2500fb-1 In a nutshell: hadron machines: high s achievable PDFs sensitivity to direct production of new particles with large masses decay channel dependent QCD (theoretical predictions) lepton machines: LAB = CM frame (beam energy constraint) small theory errors sensitivity in precision (sub-%) measurements
Letting the Higgs sector tell us about new physics
Definition: ΔX deviation of XXH coupling from SM value: gXXH= gX gXSM (1+ΔX) Loop induced coupling: gXXH=gX gXSM (1+ΔXSM+ΔX) Different models: without anomalous effective couplings with anomalous effective couplings (meaning: new physics possible in a loop) As observables are in gj2 : expected ambiguity for -2 and 0 + couple the 2nd and 3rd generation quarks Measurements at LHC: σ · BR · L · ~ g2 · g2/Γ blind to simultaneous coupling/√width changes Essential: decay and cross section calculation
The Higgs sector w and w/o effective couplings (no effective couplings lead to a slight increase of precision by construction) ΔZ/W Δτ/b Δb/W: coupling ratio error reduced: +correlation with Δb ΔZ Δt Δb Δτ : direct coupling +correl with Δb Tilman Plehn, Michael Rauch. arXiv: EPL and update Moriond/Aspen 2013 ΔZ Δt Δb Δτ Δγ: effective coupling additional contribution BSM Higgs portal: add a hidden sector 2-parameter model: ΔH = cosχ , Γhid
Enter the ILC Recoil technique: e+e- ZH μμ X
precise measurement of the Higgs boson mass inclusive measurement of cross section Taken from Snowmass report qualitative game changer: inclusive measurement qualitative change: distinguish c and top typical experimental error: % level quantitative game changer: gain on the theory error (0.5% Xsec ZH, WWH, 1% ttH)
The Higgs sector precision
ILC (250GeV): great precision on ΔZ but not an order of magnitude gain in others? total width an issue: σ*BR(ZZ) difficult (low BR) width determined at 10% level via: Cries for higher energy LHC+ILC combined analysis (…500GeV): ILC only Gauss errors clear improvement on Δt some improvement on D5 couplings Δγ, Δg LHCILC better than each machine alone
ILC up to 1TeV ILC errors dominated by branching ratio errors (2% for b-quarks, mass induced) gain in the statistics limited couplings Theory errors on BR are important! non-measurement of Δt means determination via Δc, theory error 3x reflected in deterioration of precision cascades into Δg impacts the total width ILC+ expected errors will be sensitive to new models: Gupta, Rzehak, Wells: Phys.Rev. D86 (2012)
Supersymmetry fermion boson
has “no” problems with radiative corrections (quadrat. div.) has a light Higgs Boson (<140GeV) interesting pheno at the TeV scale 3 (or more) neutral Higgs bosons: h, A, H 1 (or more) charged Higgs boson(s): H± and supersymmetric particles Many different models: MSSM (low scale many parameters) mSUGRA (high scale few parameters) DSS (SUSY with heavy scalars) GMSB AMB Additional (s)particles: NMSSM MRSSM/N=1/N=2 hybrid and many more spin-0 spin-1/2 spin-1 squarks: qR, qL q gluino: g g sleptons: ℓR, ℓL ℓ h,H,A neutralino χi=1-4 Z, γ H± charginos: χ±i=1-2 W± ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R-parity production of SUSY particles in pairs (Cascade-) decays to the lightest SUSY particle LSP stable, neutral and weakly interacting: neutralino (χ1) experimental signature missing ET dark matter candidate (and we already found its supersymmetric Spin-0 partner!)
Search for Supersymmetry: with a little help from Planck
S. Henrot-Versille (LAL) and SFitter Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) Fittino, MasterCode, BayesFits,…. mSUGRA: mass of the Higgs boson restricts parameter space couplings: no impact yet relic density Ωh2 (Planck) restricts parameter space MSSM (technically challenging 13 parameters): mass of the Higgs boson restricts parameter space couplings: no impact yet relic density Ωh2 (Planck) restricts parameter space SUSY parameter space restricted, but light and heavy regions available in mSUGRA and MSSM
Search for Supersymmetry: gluinos and squarks
Signature: colored particles large (pb) cross sections many high transverse momentum jets large missing ET, meff, momentum imbalance HT Measure background from data (CRs)/ Extrapolate sensitive variable many cross checks possible no exciting deviations Equal squark and gluino masses: 1.4TeV
Search for Supersymmetry: 3rd generation
large mixing possible could be lightest squarks has a large impact on Higgs mass via RC Exclusion up to 650GeV BR can reduce sensitivity watch for assumptions in simplified models 14TeV: sensitivity to 2.5TeV colored sparticles HL-LHC: 3TeV colored sparticles ILC: small mass differences
Search for Supersymmetry: Electroweak Sector
Signature: associated production of charginos and neutralinos supersymmetric version of WZ (difficult) leptonic decays 3(and more) leptons missing ET well described by SM MSSM limit improve on LEP LHC: difficult scenario: limits of order 700GeV obtained with increased leptonic BRs (intermediate sleptons) ILC: less dependence on BRs reach down to small mass differences LSP could be very light
Measure Supersymmetry
LHC: 5% level mass measurement HL-LHC: improve to 1% ILC: electroweak sector measurements precision 0.1% LHC: 12fold ambiguity ILC: solves ambiguities LHC LHC: hint on Parameter unification HL-LHC: increases precision ILC: “measurement” of unification HL-LHC + ILC Dark matter (deduced): LHC: % level with ambiguities ILC: 0.1% level
Alternatives to Supersymmetry
Search for new physics: virtual effect: deviations from the Standard Model real effect: decay of a resonance Sequential standard model: Z’, W’ heavier version of Z and W Modify couplings to get other variants Search for a resonance Randall Sundrum (RS): warped Extra Dimensions 1 additional dimension (compactified) Search for a Graviton resonance decay: ee,μμ,γγ (mass reconstruction) Arkani-Hamed, Dvali, Dimopoulos (ADD): N ExtraDim macroscopic (LED) Search for deviations wrt Drell-Yan
New “Standard Model” Particles
Signature (sequential) gauge boson (example): Z’ decay to lepton (e,μ) pairs bump in mass spectrum Signature excited quark (example): resonance decaying to di-jets LHC 8TeV: Z’ M>2.5…2.9TeV excited quarks: M> 3.5 TeV color octet scalars M> 2.5 TeV…. LHC 14TeV: roughly double the reach in mass contact interaction (ll 100fb-1): 31TeV ILC precision measurements: 5-15TeV (indirect) 100fb-1 14TeV: discovery up to 4.5/5.5TeV
Top quark: mass What if there are no new particles and no deviations? What about the top quark? dominated (already) by systematic error hard to go below 0.5GeV perennial issue (below 0.5GeV) what kind of mass? O(100MeV) conversion threshold mass to MSbar precision of O(120MeV) achievable
Top quark mass and beyond
Electroweak top quark coupling Top quark mass influences the running of the quartic coupling of the Higgs boson: to which scale can we go up? is it the Planck scale (=desert)? LAL/IFIC arXiv: Study of weak couplings difficult at LHC (strong production) high precision possible at ILC
Conclusions Exciting times for particle physics:
will the Higgs boson reveal new physics? will we see a dark matter candidate? desert or paradise between EW and Planck scale? stay tuned for HL-LHC and ILC
And at higher energies? Snowmass study: CMS projections (fusion error)
0.1% LCC error applied, Gauss (correl) everywhere combinations dominated by the lepton colliders kappa setup does not allow to determine new-physics effects in loop-induced couplings separately HL-LHC + ILC is a great package for sub% level Higgs couplings
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