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Higgs Strahlung and W fusion
IRN Terascale Marseille December 14, 2017 Dirk Zerwas LAL Orsay Introduction Higgs Conclusions
Introduction SFitter origin: determine supersymmetric parameters
No one-to-one correlation of parameters to observables correlations exp and theoretical errors treatment of theory errors! global ansatz necessary Lafaye, Plehn, Rauch, Zerwas A GDR/IRN product which started in a GPS! SFitter, Eur. Phys. J. C54, 617 (2008) E. Turlay and SFitter, J.Phys. G38 (2011) Search for parameter point, determine errors including treatment of error correlations: Apply techniques developed for SUSY to the Higgs sector SFitter and DuehrssenJHEP0908 (2009) 009, arXiv: [hep-ph] SFitter and Klute, Phys.Rev.Lett. 109 (2012) SFitter and Klute, Europhys.Lett. 101 (2013) 51001 Englert, P. Zerwas and SFitter Phys.Lett. B707 (2012) Bock, P. Zerwas and SFitter Phys.Lett. B694 (2010) 44-53 Competitor: Fittino (talk by Tobias)
Errors, minima search etc
RFit Scheme: Höcker, Lacker, Laplace, Lediberder No information within theory errors: flat distribution intuitively reasonable central value not biased! not necessarily “conservative” (and probability….) Frequentist Bayesian Search for minima: Markov Chains (or……) Projections: Frequentist Bayesian
Higgs Factories Future colliders HL-LHC (from 2025+N to 2030+M)
Linear collider electron-positron: ILC (Japanese statement EONY) CLIC (350GeV-3TeV) Circular collider circumference 100km: pp ee at CERN? (FCC) in China? (CEPC) HL-LHC: Baseline: dominated by theory uncertainty Electron-positron colliders: small theory errors inclusive Higgs production cross section measurement Ldt != Ldt (polarization: 1.4 is 1)
The Delta/Kappa/HiggsEFT framework
Definition: ΔX deviation of XXH coupling from SM value: gXXH= gX gXSM (1+ΔX) Loop induced coupling: gXXH=gX gXSM (1+ΔXSM+ΔX) Different models: without anomalous effective couplings with anomalous effective couplings (new physics possible in a loop) + couple the 2nd and 3rd generation quarks
Measurement precision
T. Barklow, J. Brau, K. Fujii, J. Gao, J. List, N. Walker and K. Yokoya, arXiv: [hep-ex]. In a nutshell: Inclusive measurement Complete set of exclusive channels W fusion cm dependent M. Ruan, Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc , 857 (2016) [arXiv: [hep-ex]]. ILC/FCC-ee: Close to √ Ldt (P sensitive) FCC-ee/CEPC: Mostly √ Ldt Sometimes Ldt Take FCC-ee properly scaled Cross section errors: ZH, WWH: 0.5% ttH: 1%
Dreams of years past: concurrent running
SFitter, EPL 101 (2013) no.5, 51001 Dreams of years past: concurrent running HL-LHC: dominated by theory error ee: statistics Combination more powerful
Higgs: the LHC + ee colliders
SFitter, Phys.Rev. D96 (2017) no.7, Higgs: the LHC + ee colliders ΔZ/W Δτ/b Δb/W ΔZ Δt Δb Δτ So….: Theory errors do matter! FCCee-base – FCCee ZH: W fusion has an impact ILC-base – ILC-stage: removes ttH W fusion at higher √s compensates 8x Ldt FCC Δg: affected by theory error on Δc Deduced total width: 2-7%
Removing constraint: generational coupling
And that means: Most of sensitivity is charm (well tagged) Large indirect effect on Δg
Total width or ZH plus ZZZ (low BR, works only for FCC)
ΔΓ: determination Several contributions Same precision 3x Γ: total width remains….
W=Z SMEFT like ΔW = ΔZ Mechanical effect: determinations improve
Total with improves (width determination through Z instead of W) Different parameter set can lead to different dependencies (delta!=EFT) (Disagree with arXiv: (List et al) that W fusion does not matter)
FCC-ee-350: adds precision
ILC-lumi: helps with Δt ILC stage and FCC similar Gupta, Rzehak, Wells: Phys.Rev. D86 (2012)
Conclusions Electron-positron colliders:
W fusion at high CM compensates lower integrated luminosity low CM Future is bright if…….
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