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Using ABA to Manage Behavior

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1 Using ABA to Manage Behavior
Christine Duff Rebecca Hopkins University of Central Florida

2 Agenda - Discuss ABA and Behavior Change - The ABC’s of Behavior
- Apply Successful Strategies - Activities

3 What is ABA? Behavioral Principals Function Modify Environment
Change behavior in a meaningful way Ask the group Reinforcement

4 Do you know your ABCs? Antecedent Behavior Consequence

5 Behavior Define it. What will we ignore? What will we address?
ACTIVITY – Think about a particular behavior you would like to change / Take 4 sticky notes and paste them in a row on paper / write the behavior on the third note / I will demonstrate this in big poster board

6 Modify the Environment / Set up for Success
Antecedent Changes Modify the Environment / Set up for Success House Rules Visual Schedules Provide Choice Set up for Success

7 Add 3 Rules to the First post it note

8 Behavior: ABC; Avoid/Escape Think, Pair, Share
1 2 Internal, External 3 4

9 Five Point Scale Created by Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis
ASD; understand and control their emotional responses Concrete number, picture Behavior at 1-5; looks like, feels like, what to do

10 Three Point Scale or…the what I’m doing now and what I need to do
1. Sam’s Voice 2. Cindy’s Where to Talk About… Your Turn Create: look, feel, what to do Connecting A, B, C Some kids will be able to identify their triggers, consequences, some not – ALL should be able to identify BEHAVIOR (what I’m doing now – what I need to do) Replacement Behavior

11 Questions

12 Strategies for Attention Seeking Behavior
Enrichment Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice (CECP) ABC Chart All Things Behavior (Token/Reward boards, Discrete Trial Training, Visual Schedules, Data Sheets) Florida’s Multi-Tiered Level Support, Response to Intervention, and Positive Behavior Support)

13 Positive Attention for Desired Behavior Ignore Redirect Time-Out
Consequences Positive Attention for Desired Behavior Ignore Redirect Time-Out Add one consequence for when student exhibits problem behavior (written on 3rd post it)

14 Time Out Have a Plan What Behavior? Where? How Long? Set Timer
No Attention Calm End ACTIVITY – Create a Time-Out Plan with Hand-Outs

15 Sometimes we need a time-out too
Sometimes we need a time-out too! Okay to walk away / take a break / deep breaths / may not win every battle – ok! Anyone have any questions?

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