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Fit 4 Europe Services Mission

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Presentation on theme: "Fit 4 Europe Services Mission"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fit 4 Europe Services Mission
November 23, 2016 Maritza Bengochea Export Officer - Services

2 Presentation Outline Mission Programme Matchmaking Model
Market Challenges Impact to Date Exporter Feedback Post Mission Activities Lessons Learnt

3 Mission Programme Business to Business (B2B) Meetings Coaching and briefing sessions from Industry Experts and Entrepreneurs Site visits to sector clusters Daily briefing sessions. To provide mission participants with capacity-building, market intelligence and to begin the process of creating sustainable partnerships. To learn about the dynamics of the market, identify niches for market entry; evaluate risk and opportunity and to meet potential partners.

4 Matchmaking Model Pre-mission contact Developing a clear value-proposition Identifying and engaging potential partners Scheduling of meetings

5 Market Challenges Establishing pre-mission contact Ethical and sustainable business models and practices Conducting Financial transactions

6 Impact Connecting with key industry players Co-creation Peer to peer mentorship Strategic Direction Services: Fashion - Co-creation initiatives identified – with international partners as well as amongst Fit 4 Europe companies to co-design for marketing in the EU Expressed interest in direct sales Opportunities identified to develop and commercialise new line of sustainable ethical fashion designs Opportunities to establish pop-up shops in the UK Animation & Production - Cluster development model for the Animation sector reviewed for adaptation in T&T Identification of strategic partners for Animation sector development in T&T Opportunities to submit proposals for commercial services and television productions

7 Connecting with Key Industry Players

8 Co-Creation


10 Economic Impact -3 contracts secured -Estimated Contract Values $55,000 USD -Development of a new product offering -Entry into 2 new exports

11 Exporter Feedback “In the circumstances everything was well coordinated. Perhaps a bit more pre-mission intel would have been nice, a bit deeper than what was provided. “ “It would have been beneficial to have the same amount of time in both countries. France’s visit felt a bit rushed.” “This mission has created the potential for significant service contracts in the EU and UK. It also, gave incredible insight on markets” “This was a tremendous opportunity to assess aspects of the market that you can only get insight from being on the ground. Overall, a well-organized trip.”

12 Post Mission Activities
Follow-up evaluations with Companies and developing Individual Action Plans Conducting follow-up activities with institutions, agencies and companies for future initiatives and projects and maintain relationships

13 Lessons Learnt There is no "right way" or "one size fits all approach" to entering a market. Relationship building is key The power of the right network

14 Thank You

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