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Debate Jeopardy 2.

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1 Debate Jeopardy 2

2 Categories NFL Congress Debate Speech Local Mr. Hall 100 200 300 400

3 NFL 100 points What is the most number of NFL points a student may earn at a one day tournament? 24 Back to main

4 NFL 200 points In the Debate events, how many points are awarded for a loss? Three Back to main

5 NFL 300 points In an ORIGINAL speech event, how many NFL points are awarded for a first place rank? six Back to main

6 NFL 400 points How many NFL points are needed to be eligible to wear the NFL Honor Cords at graduation? 75 Back to main

7 Florida Panther NFL 500 points What is the name of our NFL district?
Back to main

8 Point of personal privilege
Congress 100 points What motion is used to exit the chambers? Point of personal privilege Back to main

9 Presiding Officer Congress 200 points What does P.O. stand for?
Back to main

10 The Judge and The Parliamentarian
Congress 300 points What are the two adults in a Congress round called? The Judge and The Parliamentarian Back to main

11 Congress 400 points What percentage of the chamber must vote to lay a bill on the table? 50% Back to main

12 Congress 500 points The P.O. is evaluated on the basis of four skills. Name those four skills. Knowledge of Parliamentary Procedure, Fairness, Control of the Room, and Delivery. Back to main

13 Debate 100 points What do Lincoln-Douglas Debaters argue?
Philosophy or Morals Back to main

14 Debate 200 points How many speeches are in a Public Forum Debate round? Eight Back to main

15 Five Debate 300 points How many speeches are in an L-D round?
Back to main

16 Debate 400 points How much preparation time is allowed in a Public Forum Debate round? 2 minutes Back to main

17 Debate 500 points Name the four Debate events.
Student Congress, Public Forum Debate, LD Debate, Team (or Policy) Debate. Back to main

18 7-10 Minutes Speech 100 points How long should a Duo Interp be?
Back to main

19 Duo Interpretation of Literature.
Speech 200 points What is the formal name for Duo? Duo Interpretation of Literature. Back to main

20 Declamation Speech 300 points
Which Speech event is limited to only 9th and 10th graders? Declamation Back to main

21 Duo Interp, Dramatic Interp, Humorous Interp, Oral Interp, Declamation
Speech 400 points Name the five Interpretive Speech events. Duo Interp, Dramatic Interp, Humorous Interp, Oral Interp, Declamation Back to main

22 Speech 500 points How many notes is an extemper allowed outside the prep room? 50 words Back to main

23 Student Congress Local 100 points
What is the warm-up event every year in Palm Beach County? Student Congress Back to main

24 Local 200 points What is the most popular event at a local tournament? Congress Back to main

25 Duo Interp. Local 300 points
What is the second most popular event at local tournaments? Duo Interp. Back to main

26 Palm Beach Central Local 400 points
Name the best Speech and Debate program in our district. Palm Beach Central Back to main

27 Trish Zenczak of Royal Palm Beach.
Local 500 points What is the name and school of the current president of our NCFL district? Trish Zenczak of Royal Palm Beach. Back to main

28 Mrs. Dale McCall Mr Hall 100 points Who was Mr.Hall’s Debate coach?
Back to main

29 Twin Lakes High School Mr Hall 200 points
Where did Mr.Hall compete in Debate? Twin Lakes High School Back to main

30 Team Debate, Congress, and Extemp
Mr Hall 300 points What three events did your coach compete in? Team Debate, Congress, and Extemp Back to main

31 The University of Georgia and Georgetown University
Mr Hall 400 points Name one of the two summer Debate Institutes Mr.Hall attended. The University of Georgia and Georgetown University Back to main

32 Twin Lakes, Barrington (Rhode Island), and John I. Leonard.
Mr Hall 500 points Mr.Hall has coached at three other programs. Where were they? Twin Lakes, Barrington (Rhode Island), and John I. Leonard. Back to main

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