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Increasing Access to Quality ECE: Annual update

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1 Increasing Access to Quality ECE: Annual update
LPC RBA Update 2017

2 Increased Access to Quality ECE Performance Measures
Retained/ Increased ECE Access Increased Facilities Funds Increased Quality Funds % of Teachers With Improved Practice % of Council Members Who Increase Understanding of ECE System Janis Reminder: strategies will help us turn that curve: these programs selected because represent research that these strategies help us move the needle on school readiness. Using best practices and what we have already built here in Alameda County we developed a School Readiness Strategy that touches on three main strategies. Home Visiting, Help Me Grow and Quality Child Care. Birth to 8 has struggled with how to add early childhood mental health and family engagement and leadership as strategies. Do we ensure they are incorporated into all of the first three or do they merit their own strategy? We have recently concluded that in order to prioritize them, they need to live in their own strategies. We have had turn the curve discussions about both of these strategies in the past but we look forward to cementing them this year. % of LPC Members Who Take Action

3 How Much (Calendar Year 2017)
Increased ECE Access: How Much (Calendar Year 2017) Planning Council Members -Write policy and budget letters to elected officials Annual state budget comments Budget request to County for homeless ECE funding 2017: 2 rounds of letters to feds -February Immigration Forum -AB 833 Planning/State Contractors -Initiated Stage 1 Leveraging Discussion in Public Policy Committee ECE Program Staff -Annual Legislative Breakfast -AB 833 Coordination Consultants, state contractors -Ballot Research & Development Oakland Alameda County -ACECPC Navigation Planning -Families United/homeless plans Angie Access: Still a huge need for infant/toddler and school age care: 3700 income eligible preschoolers without care is still a crisis Waiting lists are still reportedly over 5,000 in Oakland and 10,000 County wide Quality: 115/2000 still only 6% of programs are served Another performance measure we’d like to work with SSA on is % families using AP vouchers by Stage of Child Care who attend a QRIS program

4 Increased ECE Access: How Much Angie Access:
Still a huge need for infant/toddler and school age care: 3700 income eligible preschoolers without care is still a crisis Waiting lists are still reportedly over 5,000 in Oakland and 10,000 County wide Quality: 115/2000 still only 6% of programs are served Another performance measure we’d like to work with SSA on is % families using AP vouchers by Stage of Child Care who attend a QRIS program

5 Increased ECE Access: Is Any One Better Off?

6 Increased ECE Access: How Much

7 Increased ECE Access: Is Anyone Better Off? Angie Access:
Still a huge need for infant/toddler and school age care: 3700 income eligible preschoolers without care is still a crisis Waiting lists are still reportedly over 5,000 in Oakland and 10,000 County wide Quality: 115/2000 still only 6% of programs are served Another performance measure we’d like to work with SSA on is % families using AP vouchers by Stage of Child Care who attend a QRIS program plan was approved in October 2016 and within in the fist 8 months Alameda County agencies were able to serve 637 more children who would have otherwise not have been eligible for care either because of the new age eligibility for CSPP and/or higher income eligibility (85% SMI).  Families are now able to work more hours or accept a pay raise without fear of losing subsidy care because of the higher income eligibility for both initial enrollment and re-certification.

8 Increased Facilities Funds/Siting: How Much
Planning Council Members Public Policy will discuss in December ECE Program Staff Analyze Title 5 Expansion/ Facilities Needs Collaborate with State LINCC Partner with First Five to strategize on Initiative linked needs/ opportunities Support Oakland/County analysis of County Measure related needs Requested CalSac Analysis of QRIS related expenses Angie Access: Still a huge need for infant/toddler and school age care: 3700 income eligible preschoolers without care is still a crisis Waiting lists are still reportedly over 5,000 in Oakland and 10,000 County wide Quality: 115/2000 still only 6% of programs are served Another performance measure we’d like to work with SSA on is % families using AP vouchers by Stage of Child Care who attend a QRIS program

9 Increased Facilities Funds/Siting:
How Much 5/17 QR providers, 4 of QI recipients asked if spent any money on facilities : greatest on facilities, trikes, staff area, ab 212

10 Increased Facilities Funds /Siting: How Well
ECE staff housing needs referenced as example in County guidelines memo for housing bond expenditures Potential $2.6 million set aside in County ECE measure Angie Access: Still a huge need for infant/toddler and school age care: 3700 income eligible preschoolers without care is still a crisis Waiting lists are still reportedly over 5,000 in Oakland and 10,000 County wide Quality: 115/2000 still only 6% of programs are served Another performance measure we’d like to work with SSA on is % families using AP vouchers by Stage of Child Care who attend a QRIS program

11 Increased Quality (Funding):
How Much

12 Increased Quality (Funding):
How Much

13 How Well: Quality Baseline and Quality Improvement
Increased Quality (Funding): How Well Improved by 1 Star N=26 Improved by 2 Stars n=3 Remained at 5 Stars n=1 2% 7% 59% 67% of Participating FCC’s had improvements of 1 step or more with QI 50% of those sites that began at Tier 2 moved to Tier 3 or higher with QI Our providers would want the legislature to know that they find the investment in quality support valuable. Recently about thirty of our ECE leaders gathered in a symposium and they shared the following: ·         96% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that professional development opportunities through Quality Counts were meaningful. ·         92% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that they see the benefits of Quality Counts on their teaching practice ·         96% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that they see the benefits of Quality Counts on child outcomes A significant innovation in FY was the launch of our FFN component, made possible with IMPACT funding. Through contracts with four of our counties’ five AP agencies we offered trainings and developmental playgroups to FFN providers, with priority recruitment in zip codes found to have the highest density of voucher utilization. This QI menu item launched mid-year, and we were pleased to serve 93 FFN providers, the majority from our priority zip codes. Additional work to support the school readiness of children in FFN care included developmental playgroups at park and libraries and the development of CA Foundations and Frameworks aligned home activity kits that circulate through playgroup locations. 59% of Sites Improved Over Time 89% of Rated Sites at 3 Stars or Above

14 Increased Quality (Funding) (Programs) : How Much and How Well
Planning Council Members Approved Environmental Health Statement ECE Committee conducting review of national report on professional development to recommend policy changes ECE Program Staff (Program Quality) -Green Child Care Cumulative (5 years) 645 tons decreased waste at 121 sites 5,380 children and staff trained -Quality Counts Planning Co- Chair Steering Committee -Coach programs -Debrief on Lessons Learned from North --Bay Fires (December) -Developed Trauma Training with Early Learning Lab -Partnered with ACOE on Leaders for Equity Angie Access: Still a huge need for infant/toddler and school age care: 3700 income eligible preschoolers without care is still a crisis Waiting lists are still reportedly over 5,000 in Oakland and 10,000 County wide Quality: 115/2000 still only 6% of programs are served Another performance measure we’d like to work with SSA on is % families using AP vouchers by Stage of Child Care who attend a QRIS program

15 Increased Quality (Funding)
How Much and How Well

16 ECE Program Staff (Teacher Quality)
% of ECE Staff Who Attend (Council Initiated) Training (and Change Practice) Planning Council Member Action Trauma Training (2017) by ECE Committee January Trauma Training Being Planned ECE Program Staff (Teacher Quality) Direct Training Green training (see previous) AB 212 Administer w/CalSaC and First Five, align with QRIS 869 state subsidized ECE staff trained through AB 212 up from 730/2014 Convened 475 staff ECE conference up from 350/2014 TK Institute 42 teachers and12 out of 18 School Districts participated Emerging Leaders Designed and launched nationally groundbreaking diversity focused leadership development program Mechanisms and Advocacy to Support Staff Quality Angie Access: Still a huge need for infant/toddler and school age care: 3700 income eligible preschoolers without care is still a crisis Waiting lists are still reportedly over 5,000 in Oakland and 10,000 County wide Quality: 115/2000 still only 6% of programs are served Another performance measure we’d like to work with SSA on is % families using AP vouchers by Stage of Child Care who attend a QRIS program

% of ECE Staff Who Attend (Council Initiated) Training and Change Practice HYPOTHETICAL DATA:2016-ONWARD Angie Access: Still a huge need for infant/toddler and school age care: 3700 income eligible preschoolers without care is still a crisis Waiting lists are still reportedly over 5,000 in Oakland and 10,000 County wide Quality: 115/2000 still only 6% of programs are served Another performance measure we’d like to work with SSA on is % families using AP vouchers by Stage of Child Care who attend a QRIS program

18 % of LPC Members Who Increase Understanding of ECE and Policy System
HYPOTHETICAL DATA IN 2018 Angie Access: Still a huge need for infant/toddler and school age care: 3700 income eligible preschoolers without care is still a crisis Waiting lists are still reportedly over 5,000 in Oakland and 10,000 County wide Quality: 115/2000 still only 6% of programs are served Another performance measure we’d like to work with SSA on is % families using AP vouchers by Stage of Child Care who attend a QRIS program

19 % of LPC Members Who Increase Understanding of ECE System
Planning Council Member Action Number of Committee Presentations Created on ECE and Advocacy Basics Public Policy on Advocacy 11/16 % Attending and Participating in Meetings % Reporting Increased Understanding in Post Meeting and Annual Surveys ECE Program Staff Intentional and dynamic overviews of ECE and advocacy January-- Legislative overview Performance measure baseline presentation Workforce & AB 212 presentation Angie Access: Still a huge need for infant/toddler and school age care: 3700 income eligible preschoolers without care is still a crisis Waiting lists are still reportedly over 5,000 in Oakland and 10,000 County wide Quality: 115/2000 still only 6% of programs are served Another performance measure we’d like to work with SSA on is % families using AP vouchers by Stage of Child Care who attend a QRIS program

20 % of LPC Members Who Take Action
Cross-Cutting % of LPC Members Who Take Action Planning Council Member Action State Legislative Advocacy Supported 6 bills in 2016 16% passed In 2017: 10 bills 7 signed/funded=70% passed! ECE Program Staff Communications Maintain and Increase Twitter presence and usefulness: followers increased to 600 from 500 in 2016 LPC Support Design regular survey to define and support increased action Angie Access: Still a huge need for infant/toddler and school age care: 3700 income eligible preschoolers without care is still a crisis Waiting lists are still reportedly over 5,000 in Oakland and 10,000 County wide Quality: 115/2000 still only 6% of programs are served Another performance measure we’d like to work with SSA on is % families using AP vouchers by Stage of Child Care who attend a QRIS program

21 % of LPC Members Who Take Action
Cross-Cutting % of LPC Members Who Take Action HYPOTHETICAL DATA: Angie Access: Still a huge need for infant/toddler and school age care: 3700 income eligible preschoolers without care is still a crisis Waiting lists are still reportedly over 5,000 in Oakland and 10,000 County wide Quality: 115/2000 still only 6% of programs are served Another performance measure we’d like to work with SSA on is % families using AP vouchers by Stage of Child Care who attend a QRIS program

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