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StudentInformation October 26, 2016

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1 StudentInformation October 26, 2016
October 2016 EMIS Updates StudentInformation October 26, 2016

2 Correction as of 10/26/16 During the October EMIS Webinars Update earlier today we had some questions regarding EMIS Situations 450 and 451 in the Regular Districts section. A correction is being made to those situations. We had indicated that the How Received value would be updated to ‘*’, but due to this situation being non-resident students, the value of ‘*’ would not be correct. After further intensive review, we will be deactivating Situations 450 and 451 at a date to be determined. Prior to that date, we will download an Ad-Hoc report that will display the preschool students with these situations so the districts can update them to a correct situation. Non-Resident PS students who are attending a traditional district for Headstart or via Other funding should use a situation that has the correct value for the How Received field. Preschool students who are open enrolled into the traditional district for Headstart or Other Funding can use any situation that school age students use. A couple examples below would be:  Situation 100 – Non-Res Open Enrolled. How Received ‘9’ and How Received IRN - Sending District Situation 96 – Non-Res Foster Placed at your district. How Received ‘C’ and How Received IRN – Sending District

3 October 2016 EMIS Updates Agenda 16.2 Upcoming Changes
New Ad Hoc Reports Using EZ Query to Verify EMIS Data PS EMIS Situation changes Pointers for Period L

4 16.2 Upcoming Changes 16.2 Upcoming Changes

5 16.2 Upcoming Changes Defects/ER’s – EMIS Related
10977 – County of Residence doesn’t copy up in registration defaults during SYI 11374 – Fall NG assessment import date updated to import records with November date 11558 – Add School Year 13/14 (FY14) to school year dropdown on the end of course assessment page

6 16.2 Upcoming Changes OCBA Pre-ID Updates:
OCBA Pre-ID run for grades 3-8 and HS not including students enrolled on/after April 5th Added a run date prompt to the pre-ID request page. Date will be defaulted to a date synced each year but can be changed on demand Students who are not enrolled as of the requested date will be excluded from the Pre-ID

7 16.2 Upcoming Changes Added the ability to mass update LEP Status in Student Profile Bulk Update

8 16.2 Upcoming Changes OELPA Updates
Add FY16 & FY17 OELPA Import option Add OELPA as an option to the period A Assessment Collection for FY16 forward Update OELPA Maintenance page

9 16.2 Upcoming Changes Other Updates
Remove GU records from the Assessment Transfers. Users will still be able to maintain records if they desire. New School Year script for the 17/18 School year Once release is installed, the school year initialization process may begin First release of the Grad Points Pages

10 New Ad Hoc Reports Sub-Calendar Hours Analysis Report

11 Sub-Calendar Hours Analysis

12 Using EZQuery & Ad Hoc To Verify
Quick Reference Document in process for using EZQuery SIS Student Search to verify EMIS Data Fields to pull that corresponds to a task on the EMIS Checklist Includes Filter criteria Eventually will tie Ad Hoc reports into the verification process

13 PS EMIS Situation Changes
Additional Updates to EMIS Situations for PS students Situations Being Updated Regular Districts 395 and 396, Preschool Federal Headstart and Preschool Other Funding; combining situations How Received ‘*’; How Received IRN ‘******’ (will require a script) becomes Resident PS Head Start or Other Funded PS 449, Non-resident student in ECE Preschool Early Education Grant (Documentation Update Only) How Received IRN updated to ‘Not Current District’ 450 and 451, Non Resident Preschool Federal Headstart and Non Resident Preschool Other Funding; combining situations How Received ‘*’; How Received IRN ‘Not Current District’ (will require a script) becomes Non-resident PS Head Start or Other Funded PS See Update at beginning of presentation 499, PS Student OE in Sending Dist. at ESC full or part time (Description change only)

14 PS EMIS Situation Changes
Additional Updates to EMIS Situations for PS students Situations Being Inactivated – Regular Districts 396 – Preschool Other Funding 451 – Non Resident Preschool Other Funding 450 – Non Resident Preschool Headstart 2 – (not a Preschool Situation) – Resident attends P/T elsewhere as Superintendent Agreement

15 PS EMIS Situation Changes
ESCs Situations Being Updated ESCs 404, 405 and 406, Court Placed in Sending District, Court Placed ECE Federal Headstart and Court Placed ECE Other Funding; combining situations How Received ‘E’; How Received IRN ‘Not Current District’ (will require a script) becomes PS Court Placed in Sending District – PS ECE Grant at ESC 387 and 388, Preschool Federal Head Start and Preschool Instruction via Other Funding; combining situations How Received ‘H’; How Received IRN ‘Not Current District’ (will require a script) becomes PS ESC Providing Instruction and Related Services Situations Being Inactivated – ESCs 405 – Court Placed ECE Federal Headstart 406 – Court Placed ECE Other Funding 388 - Preschool Instruction via Other Funding

16 PS EMIS Situation Changes
JVSDs Situations Being Updated JVSDs 391 and 392, Preschool Federal Headstart and Preschool Instruction Via Other Funding; combining situations How Received ‘*’; How Received IRN ‘Not Current District’ (will require a script) becomes PS Head Start or Other Funding Situations Being Inactivated – JVSDs 392 – Preschool Instruction Via Other Funding

17 PS EMIS Situation Examples
50% ECE and 50% Non-Special Ed Preschool Student Paying Tuition at an ESC ESC uses Situation 386 Resident District does not Report Non-Special Ed Preschool Student Paying Tuition at ESC, Does not Qualify for ECE ESC uses Situation 506 Resident District Does not Report

18 PS EMIS Situation Examples
Situation Examples, continued Non-Special Ed Preschool Student Paying Tuition at a District or Community School Educating District uses 505 (traditional district) Educating District uses 483 (community district) If Educating District is not the resident district, resident district does not report Non-Special Ed Preschool Court Placed or Open Enrolled In and ECE Educating District uses 449 (traditional district) Educating District uses 502 (community district) Resident District Does not Report

19 PS EMIS Situation Examples
Situation Examples, continued Non-Special Ed Preschool Student Court Placed In, Not ECE Educating District uses 96 (traditional district) Resident District Does not Report Non-Special Ed Preschool Open Enrolled In, Not ECE Educating District uses 100 (traditional district)

20 Collection L Reporting
FY17 Period L Collection to Open Soon INVSUBJ – Verify Subject Codes Teacher History Records Correct staff members and dates Wipe and New or Add Missing, if needed Verify and Update HQT values Verify Reportable Courses CLISEMIS/CTRMEMIS Verify Mode Correct Errors Run in Update Mode after corrections Update Vocational Correlated and Vocational Mapping Records Check_EMIS

21 Questions?

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