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Fmp- target audience research

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1 Fmp- target audience research
By Mia Jones

2 Secondary- teen vogue I used the website YouGov lite to gather my research, I chose the magazine Teen Vogue to base my research on as it is immensely popular amongst teenagers. I found that the main demographic for this magazine is 18-24, this is roughly what I would want the target audience for my magazine to be, I feel like this is a great target audience as it is the transition period from teenager to adult. This website has allowed me to get a better insight as to what goes through the head of my target audience. I found out their favourite food, what their hobbies and interests are. This will help me when it comes to my magazine so I can incorporate this into it. For example, the most popular dish in my target audience was chocolate fondant cake so I could include a recipe in my magazine. Willing to sacrifice their free time to focus on their career was another thing I found in my research. I found this rather interesting as you would not expect readers of teen vogue to have that mind set. This could be another segment I could add to my magazine, such as tips for work. “I like to stand out” was a quote from someone on YouGov lite when they were explaining their personality. I feel like this is a big indicator as to how my magazine should look. I do not want it to look like the generic teenage magazine, with a pretty celebrity on the front and so much text it looks crowded. I want to break the mould with how my magazine looks, and do something unique and this quote suggests to me that would be something that would interest my target audience

3 Secondary- teen vogue I also found out what sort of brands they buy from, this gave me an idea for my magazine to do coupons, giveaways and competitions. Bearing in mind that most of my target audience will either be students or working so they will not have an excessive amount of disposable income. Things like coupons for Dominos Pizza, and Oden could really benefit them. I would also like to include giveaways such as ‘Win a years supply of Ben and Jerrys icecream’. I feel like this would be a great feature to include in my magazine. Another thing that is popular amongst my audience is social media. Women dominate nearly all social media except LinkedIn. This means I can use every form of social media to promote my magazine and they will all reach my audience easily. It also means I could bring my magazine to social media as opposed to keeping it to just a magazine. I could do competitions on my social media sites, and do sneak peak pictures on them. £1000 is the rough average that my audience have left for disposable income. Obviously this is not a 100% fact as different women have different occupations. Using this information I have decided to price my magazine around £3.25. This is a reasonable price for a magazine, I kept in mind that some of my audience will be students and not have that much disposable income.

4 Secondary- popular brands
YouTube Instagram Ben & Jerrys Odeon Domino’s Pizza River Island Pandora These are some of the most popular brands in my target audience. I would like to incorporate these into my magazine such as giveaways, and coupons.

5 Secondary conclusion Overall I think that my secondary research has been extremely helpful. When it comes to planning my magazine I will have a clear idea as to what I want to do and what will be the most successful. I have gathered more ideas from this such as including giveaways, I never thought of doing that until I came across this research. I have also decided that I will release my magazine monthly as most of these women are working, or at university and will not have lots of free time. Doing so I bumped the price up a little compared to competing magazines that come out weekly, or fortnightly as it will only be coming out once a month.

6 Primary research- Do you read magazines?
I used survey monkey to collect my primary research. I found that most people still do read magazines but, the divide is pretty close. Magazines are a form of media that are dying out due to the competition of websites but it is very settling to know that people still enjoy them. I will have to make sure my magazine is extremely appealing to make sure people want to take time to read it.

7 Primary research- how old are you?
A majority of the people who took the survey are between the ages of Only 9 out of the 10 people answered this question which left me baffled as I did not realise this question was difficult or had people who may not have wanted to disclose this information. I was quite surprised that there were a few 21+ people answering the questionnaire. I want my magazine to be between so I feel like the results of this magazine are positive for my research.

8 Primary- Do you feel like you can relate to teenage magazines?
This information was the most helpful for me. I found that the majority of people do not like teenage magazines, and they highlighted the things they did not like. Therefore I will not be using those elements in my magazine. However there were a few people who liked certain things in these magazines so I will be sure to include those things in my magazine such as ‘what celebrities are doing’ I will also make my content relatable.

9 Primary- What would entice you to read a magazine?
This was another extremely helpful question as it will help me when it comes to designing my magazine. The score was actually split pretty evenly once the all the results had been added up together. This means that each element is equally important when designing my magazine so I will make sure that I take time to explore each bit thoroughly.

10 Primary- How would you prefer to read a magazine?
A shocking 90% of people would rather have a physical copy of a magazine as opposed to read one online. I think having a physical copy has a different level of intimacy between the authors and the readers. Also with physical copy ones you can get freebies and posters. If possible I will produce a physical copy, however if this proves challenging I will have to do an online one.

11 Primary- what would you like to see more of in magazines catered towards your age group?
Answers Information about relevant things Anything, depending on what the magazine is about Louis Theroux Technology, Art, and anything spread across and into either of those, as broad or as specific as is liked. I would like to see more actual important information as opposed to what is Jennifer Lawrence wearing tonight Topics that I can relate too and have a general interest in I would like to see more magazines being more creative and informative and doing things that teenagers would like, as in free concert tickets etc. Celebrity culture but less aimed at tweens and more an older age group, and political magazines discussing world issues reasonably This information shows me what kind of things people would like to see in a magazine. This will help me when it comes to creating the content for my magazine as it will give me ideas as to what to include, and what I can base my articles on. For instance, people would like to see more technology and art so I will include that in my magazine. Louis Theroux was another thing that cropped up so I could include an article about him, as much as I would like to get an interview with him it is very unlikely due to his status and his busy schedule.

12 References Teen Vogue- "Yougov Profiles LITE". YouGov Profiles LITE. N.p., Web. 16 Mar Social media- Clifford, Catherine and Read more. "Women Dominate Every Social Media Network -- Except One (Infographic)". Entrepreneur. N.p., Web. 16 Mar

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